from math import *
from prism import *
# create system object (make sure author is correct... it's used for report)
S = SysModel(name="Sample Case", type="liquid",
author="Charlie Taylor", programName="PRISM Docs")
# add design variables to the system (these variables may be used to
# optimize the system or to create plots)
# design vars have:
# name, value, minVal, maxVal, step, units, description
['Pc',500,350,650,25,'psia','Chamber Pressure'],
['PHe',8000,6000,10000,200,'psia','Helium MEOP'],
['WtPropBurned',100,50,200,10,'lbm','Burned Propellant Mass'],
['eps',10,5,20,1,'','Nozzle Area Ratio'],
['pcentBell',70,60,90,1.5,'','Nozzle Percent Bell'],
# now add any Result Variables That might be plotted
# "sysMass" is required
# result variables have:
# name, units, description
['Lstage','in','Stage Length','<',65],
['Dexit','in','Nozzle Diameter','<',10],
['deltaV','ft/sec','Ideal Delta V'],
['Itot','lbf-sec','Total Impulse'],
['sysMass','lbm','Total System Mass'],
MR = 1.8 # Engine Mixture Ratio
FAxial = 3000.0 # lbf, Engine Thrust
Wpayload = 100.0 # lbm, Payload Mass
pcentACS = 5.0 # %, Percent of Propellant Used for ACS
oxName = 'N2O4'
fuelName = "MMH"
DiamVeh = 10.0 # in
clearance = 0.25 # in
# mass multipliers
cxwEngineVlv = 0.33
cxwPropTank_FFC = 1.5
cxwHeTank = 6.95 / 5.056
TminOperate = 500.0 # degR, The minimum operating temperature
TmaxOperate = 550.0 # degR, The maximum operating temperature
expulEffOx = 0.99
expulEffFl = 0.99
ullFracOx = 0.03
ullFracFl = 0.03
etaERE = 0.955
# stage axial engine
EngineAxial = Engine_FFC(name="Axial Engine",
oxName=oxName, fuelName=fuelName, Number=1,
cxw=1.0, Pc=500.0, Fvac=4000.0, eps=20.0, mr=1.0,
CR=2.5, LoverDt=2.0, LchamMin=2.0, cxwValves=cxwEngineVlv,
etaERE=etaERE, calcEtaNoz=1, useFastCEALookup=1,isBell=1, pcentBell=70.0,
halfAngDeg=15.0, xlnOverLcham=0.9 )
# stage ACS engines
EngineACS = Engine_FFC(name="ACS Engines",
oxName=oxName, fuelName=fuelName, Number=4,
cxw=1.0, Pc=500.0, Fvac=40.0, eps=10., mr=1.0,
CR=2.5, LoverDt=2.0, LchamMin=1.0, cxwValves=cxwEngineVlv,
etaERE=0.94, calcEtaNoz=1, useFastCEALookup=1,isBell=1, pcentBell=80.0,
halfAngDeg=15.0, xlnOverLcham=0.9 )
# oxidizer tank
Oxtank = Tank(name="Oxidizer Tank", Number=1,
makeCompositeTank=1, kalmod=0,
matlName="grEpox", vfree=486.0,ell=1.6,rcyltd=1.445,
# fuel tank
Fltank = Tank(name="Fuel Tank", Number=1,
makeCompositeTank=1, kalmod=0,
matlName="grEpox", vfree=486.0,ell=1.6,rcyltd=1.445,
# helium tank
Hetank = Tank(name="Helium Tank",
makeCompositeTank=1, kalmod=0,
matlName="grEpox", vfree=160.0, ell=1.6,rcyltd=1.142,
ptank=5000.0,sf=2.0,cxw=cxwHeTank, Number=1,
# use Helium as pressurant
He = PressurantHe(name="pressurant helium", mass_lbm=0.0,
PfinHeOvPnom=1.1, wtHeACS=0.0,
tPolyCorr=750.0, gamPolyCorr=1.4, gamLimPolyCorr=1.0, THeTnkHX=490.0)
# add propellants
Fl = Inc_liquid(symbol=fuelName,T=TmaxOperate,P=14.7)
Ox = Inc_liquid(symbol=oxName,T=TmaxOperate,P=30.0)
#===== after they have been created, add the Mass Items to the system object ====
S.addMassItem( Oxtank, Fltank, He, Hetank, EngineAxial, EngineACS, Ox, Fl )
# the following control routine ties together the system components
# with the system design variables
def myControlRoutine(S):
# get current values of design variables
Pc,PHe,WtPropBurned,eps,pcentBell = S.getDesVars("Pc","PHe","WtPropBurned","eps","pcentBell")
# start ENGINEERING logic here (like a PRISM control routine)
# calc axial and acs propellants
WpRCS = WtPropBurned * pcentACS / 100.0
WpAxial = WtPropBurned - WpRCS
# calc Ox and Fuel portions of axial and acs propellants
WtOxRCS = WpRCS / 2.0
WtOxAxial = WpAxial * MR/(1.0+MR)
WtFlAxial = WpAxial - WtOxAxial
# calc residual propellants (can you explain the eqn?)
WtOxResid = (WtOxAxial + WtOxRCS) * (1.0 / expulEffOx - 1.0)
WtFlResid = (WtFlAxial + WtFlRCS) * (1.0 / expulEffFl - 1.0)
# tell propellant objects about the breakdown
Ox.setMassBreakdown( [('Burned Axial',WtOxAxial),
('Burned RCS',WtOxRCS),('Residual',WtOxResid)])
Fl.setMassBreakdown( [('Burned Axial',WtFlAxial),
('Burned RCS',WtFlRCS),('Residual',WtFlResid)])
Ox.reCalc() # <=== need current values, so reCalc
Fl.reCalc() # <=== need current values, so reCalc
# set engine parameters (both axial and acs)
EngineAxial.Pc = Pc = MR
EngineAxial.eps = eps
EngineAxial.Fvac = FAxial
EngineAxial.pcentBell = pcentBell
EngineAxial.reCalc() # <=== need current values, so reCalc
EngineACS.Pc = Pc
Itot = WpAxial * EngineAxial.Isp # Total Impulse lbf-sec
Dexit = EngineAxial.Dexit
# inside FORTRAN tank routine...
# Vtank = Vfree + Vresid + Vacqui + Vliner, so Vfree is...
Oxtank.vfree = (ullFracOx + expulEffOx) * Ox.Volume / Oxtank.Number
Fltank.vfree = (ullFracFl + expulEffFl) * Fl.Volume / Fltank.Number
# get pressure schedule
ptank = Pc * 1.3 + 150.0
Oxtank.ptank = ptank
Fltank.ptank = ptank
# size tanks to fit diameter envelope
Fltank.setToMaxOD( ODmax=DiamVeh)
Oxtank.setToMaxOD( ODmax=DiamVeh)
# give pressurization routine what it needs
He.PHeTnk = PHe
He.PpropNom = ptank
He.VpropTnk = Oxtank.vfree*Oxtank.Number + Fltank.vfree*Fltank.Number
He.tAction = WpAxial / EngineAxial.wdotTot
# Set helium tank sizes based on helium volume
Hetank.vfree = He.volHeTotal / Hetank.Number
Hetank.ptank = PHe
# size helium tank to fit diameter envelope
Hetank.setToMaxOD( ODmax=DiamVeh)
# figure out package Length
Lstage = Fltank.OH + Oxtank.OH + Hetank.OH + EngineAxial.Lengine + clearance*3.0
MassStage = S.mass_lbm
massFraction = WtPropBurned / MassStage
Winit = MassStage + Wpayload
Wfinal = MassStage + Wpayload - WtPropBurned
fracIsp = WpAxial / WtPropBurned
deltaV = 32.174 * fracIsp * EngineAxial.Isp * log( Winit / Wfinal )
# "sysMass" is required
S.setResultVar("sysMass", S.mass_lbm)
S.setResultVar("Lstage", Lstage)
S.setResultVar("Dexit", Dexit)
S.setResultVar("deltaV", deltaV)
S.setResultVar("Itot", Itot)
# need to tell system the name of the control routine
Hetank.texture = Texture( colorName="Gray50", reflection=0. )
Oxtank.texture = Texture( colorName="Aquamarine", reflection=0. )
Fltank.texture = Texture( colorName="Pink", reflection=0. )
# now optimize the system... it should match up with the carpet plots.
optimize(S, figureOfMerit="deltaV", desVars=['Pc', 'PHe', 'WtPropBurned', 'eps', 'pcentBell'], findmin=0)
def myRenderControlRoutine(S):
Lstage = S.getResultVar("Lstage")
rVeh = DiamVeh / 2.0
eng = EngineAxial.getPOV_Item()
hadj = EngineAxial.Lengine - EngineAxial.Dcham
# calculate dome and cyl heights
hdomeFl = Fltank.OR/Fltank.ell
hdomeOx = Oxtank.OR/Oxtank.ell
hdomeHe = Hetank.OR/Hetank.ell
hcylFl = Fltank.OH - hdomeFl*2.
hcylOx = Oxtank.OH - hdomeOx*2.
# position all three tanks
fl = Fltank.getPOV_Item()
domeHt = Fltank.OR/Fltank.ell
hadj = EngineAxial.Lengine + domeHt
ox = Oxtank.getPOV_Item()
hadj += hdomeFl + hcylFl + hdomeOx + clearance
he = Hetank.getPOV_Item()
hadj += hdomeOx + hcylOx + hdomeHe + clearance
shell = POV_Items.HollowCylinder( OD=DiamVeh+clearance, thickness=clearance/4.0, height=Lstage,
texture = Texture( colorName="White", transmit=0.9, reflection=0. ) )
return [ eng, fl, ox, he, shell ]
figureOfMerit="deltaV", desVars=['Pc', 'PHe', 'WtPropBurned', 'eps', 'pcentBell'],
makeHTML=1, dpi=100, linewidth=2)
make2DParametricPlot(S, sysParam="deltaV", desVar="Pc",
paramVar=["eps",5.,10.,15.,20.] ,makeHTML=1, dpi=100, linewidth=2,
ptData=None, ptLegend='', logX=0, logY=0)
# now save summary of system
# Be sure to wrap-up any files