Lunar Lander

MON25/MMH solar ILN PRISM v1.1.7
by: Moon Walker May 05, 2018
Design Variables (nominal values)
ItotACS 6518lbf-secTotal Impulse of ACS Engines (lbf-sec)
ItotDescent 46067lbf-secTotal Impulse of Descent Engines (lbf-sec)
LengLimit 13inEngine Length Limit (in)
mrAxial 1.75Divert Engine Mixture Ratio
PcAxial 230psiaAxial Engine Chamber Pressure (psia)
PmaxGas 4500psiaHelium Max Bottle Pressure (psia)
System Sensitivity
Design Variables (nominal values)
ItotACS 6518lbf-secTotal Impulse of ACS Engines (lbf-sec)
ItotDescent 46067lbf-secTotal Impulse of Descent Engines (lbf-sec)
LengLimit 13inEngine Length Limit (in)
mrAxial 1.75Divert Engine Mixture Ratio
PcAxial 230psiaAxial Engine Chamber Pressure (psia)
PmaxGas 4500psiaHelium Max Bottle Pressure (psia)
Result Variables
AreaRatio 94.6974 Descent Nozzle Area Ratio---
dpBalOrificeACS 58.4333 psidBalance Orifice Pressure Drop (psid)---
dPinjector 115 psidInjector Pressure Drop (psid)---
dPvlvFuel 42.41 psidFuel Valve Pressure Drop (psid)---
dPvlvMax 82.383 psidMaximum Valve Pressure Drop (psid)---
dPvlvOx 82.383 psidOx Valve Pressure Drop (psid)---
engMass 12.0837 lbmTotal Engine Mass (lbm)---
feedMass 1.57629 lbmValve/Line/Regulator Mass (lbm)---
Isp 307.567 secEngine Specific Impulse (sec)---
IspACS 280 secACS Engine Specific Impulse (sec)---
IspEff 307.567 secEffective Isp (with cant angle) (sec)---
Lengine 13 inEngine Length (in)---
PcFace 241.05 psiaEngine Face Pressure (psia)---
PengineIn 345 psiaEngine Inlet Pressure (psia)---
PfinalHe 366.747 psiaFinal Helium Pressure (psia)---
Ptank 458.433 psiaPropellant Tank Pressure (psia)---
sysMass 217.828 lbmTotal System Mass (lbm)---
tankMass 22.9551 lbmTotal Tankage Mass (lbm)---
VolRatioTanks 1.11002 Tank Volume Ratio (Ox/Fuel)---
Mass Summary
System: MON25/MMH solar ILN 217.828 lbm Total
NameMass UnitsType
Axial Engine w/o Valves 6.084lbminert
Axial Fuel valve 2.700lbminert
Axial Ox valve 2.700lbminert
COPV Helium Tank 6.041lbminert
Fuel Line 0.643lbminert
Fuel Tank 7.383lbminert
Helium line 0.290lbminert
Ox Line 0.643lbminert
Ox Tank 9.531lbminert
R-6D with valves 6.000lbminert
Helium Pressurant 1.008lbmpressurant
MON-25 111.240lbmpropellant
Monomethyl Hydrazine 63.566lbmpropellant

Design Variables (nominal values)
ItotACS 6518lbf-secTotal Impulse of ACS Engines (lbf-sec)
ItotDescent 46067lbf-secTotal Impulse of Descent Engines (lbf-sec)
LengLimit 13inEngine Length Limit (in)
mrAxial 1.75Divert Engine Mixture Ratio
PcAxial 230psiaAxial Engine Chamber Pressure (psia)
PmaxGas 4500psiaHelium Max Bottle Pressure (psia)
Design Variables (nominal values)
ItotACS 6518lbf-secTotal Impulse of ACS Engines (lbf-sec)
ItotDescent 46067lbf-secTotal Impulse of Descent Engines (lbf-sec)
LengLimit 13inEngine Length Limit (in)
mrAxial 1.75Divert Engine Mixture Ratio
PcAxial 230psiaAxial Engine Chamber Pressure (psia)
PmaxGas 4500psiaHelium Max Bottle Pressure (psia)
Design Variables (nominal values)
ItotACS 6518lbf-secTotal Impulse of ACS Engines (lbf-sec)
ItotDescent 46067lbf-secTotal Impulse of Descent Engines (lbf-sec)
LengLimit 13inEngine Length Limit (in)
mrAxial 1.75Divert Engine Mixture Ratio
PmaxGas 4500psiaHelium Max Bottle Pressure (psia)
Design Variables (nominal values)
ItotACS 6518lbf-secTotal Impulse of ACS Engines (lbf-sec)
ItotDescent 46067lbf-secTotal Impulse of Descent Engines (lbf-sec)
LengLimit 13inEngine Length Limit (in)
mrAxial 1.75Divert Engine Mixture Ratio
PmaxGas 4500psiaHelium Max Bottle Pressure (psia)
Design Variables (nominal values)
ItotACS 6518lbf-secTotal Impulse of ACS Engines (lbf-sec)
ItotDescent 46067lbf-secTotal Impulse of Descent Engines (lbf-sec)
LengLimit 13inEngine Length Limit (in)
mrAxial 1.75Divert Engine Mixture Ratio
PmaxGas 4500psiaHelium Max Bottle Pressure (psia)
Design Variables (nominal values)
ItotACS 6518lbf-secTotal Impulse of ACS Engines (lbf-sec)
ItotDescent 46067lbf-secTotal Impulse of Descent Engines (lbf-sec)
LengLimit 13inEngine Length Limit (in)
mrAxial 1.75Divert Engine Mixture Ratio
PmaxGas 4500psiaHelium Max Bottle Pressure (psia)
Design Variables (nominal values)
ItotACS 6518lbf-secTotal Impulse of ACS Engines (lbf-sec)
ItotDescent 46067lbf-secTotal Impulse of Descent Engines (lbf-sec)
LengLimit 13inEngine Length Limit (in)
mrAxial 1.75Divert Engine Mixture Ratio
PmaxGas 4500psiaHelium Max Bottle Pressure (psia)
Design Variable Summary
Design Variables (nominal values)
ItotACS 6518lbf-secTotal Impulse of ACS Engines (lbf-sec)
ItotDescent 46067lbf-secTotal Impulse of Descent Engines (lbf-sec)
LengLimit 13inEngine Length Limit (in)
mrAxial 1.75Divert Engine Mixture Ratio
PcAxial 230psiaAxial Engine Chamber Pressure (psia)
PmaxGas 4500psiaHelium Max Bottle Pressure (psia)
Result Variables
AreaRatio 94.6974 Descent Nozzle Area Ratio---
dpBalOrificeACS 56.5406 psidBalance Orifice Pressure Drop (psid)---
dPinjector 115 psidInjector Pressure Drop (psid)---
dPvlvFuel 41.4356 psidFuel Valve Pressure Drop (psid)---
dPvlvMax 80.4903 psidMaximum Valve Pressure Drop (psid)---
dPvlvOx 80.4903 psidOx Valve Pressure Drop (psid)---
engMass 12.0837 lbmTotal Engine Mass (lbm)---
feedMass 1.57629 lbmValve/Line/Regulator Mass (lbm)---
Isp 307.567 secEngine Specific Impulse (sec)---
IspACS 280 secACS Engine Specific Impulse (sec)---
IspEff 307.567 secEffective Isp (with cant angle) (sec)---
Lengine 13 inEngine Length (in)---
PcFace 241.05 psiaEngine Face Pressure (psia)---
PengineIn 345 psiaEngine Inlet Pressure (psia)---
PfinalHe 365.232 psiaFinal Helium Pressure (psia)---
Ptank 456.541 psiaPropellant Tank Pressure (psia)---
sysMass 217.807 lbmTotal System Mass (lbm)---
tankMass 22.9368 lbmTotal Tankage Mass (lbm)---
VolRatioTanks 1.11002 Tank Volume Ratio (Ox/Fuel)---
Bipropellant Engine: Axial Engine w/o Valves
mass = 6.084 lbm type = inert
Propellants : MON25 / MMH
NASA CEA Code for ODE performance
Physical Weight Model
Injector Material is SS
Nozzle Material is Cb103
Bell Nozzle with Percent Bell = 80
Mass is for 3 engines total
==== INPUT ====
Fvac = 200 lbf
Pc = 230.0 psia
eps = 94.6974
%Bell = 80.00 %
mr = 1.75
CR = 2.5
xlnOverLcham = 0.9
LoverDt = 2
LchamMin = 1.250 in
cxwInj = 1
cxwValves = 0
cxw = 1
etaERE = 0.95
==== OUTPUT ====
Isp = 307.567 sec
Cstar = 5471.4 ft/sec
etaBL = 0.97415
etaDiv = 0.992208
etaKin = 0.975
etaNoz = 0.942396
effIsp = 0.895276
IspODE = 343.545 sec
CstarODE = 5759.4 ft/sec
Tc = 5649.1 degR
PcFace = 241.05 psia
Pexit = 0.135298 psia
wdotTot = 0.650264 lbm/sec
wdotOx = 0.413804 lbm/sec
wdotFl = 0.23646 lbm/sec
rhoFl = 0.0316 lbm/cuin
rhoOx = 0.0501 lbm/cuin
volDotOx = 8.25313 cuin/sec
volDotFl = 7.49128 cuin/sec
DFlow = 0.592 in
At = 0.480793 sqin
Dt = 0.782 in
Dcham = 1.237 in
Dexit = 7.614 in
Lcham = 1.565 in
xlc = 0.156 in
xln = 1.408 in
Lnoz = 10.198 in
Lengine = 13.000 in
rhoInj = 0.280 lbm/cuin
rhoNoz = 0.310 lbm/cuin
thkCham = 0.020 in
thkNoz = 0.020 in
WtNoz = 1.056 lbm
WtChamber = 0.032 lbm
WtInj = 0.504 lbm
WtAcoustic = 0.368 lbm
WtValves(2) = 0.000 lbm
WtMisc = 0.068 lbm
wt/Engine = 2.028 lbm
F/W = 98.623 lbf/lbm
Liquid Valve: Axial Fuel valve (3)
mass = 2.700 lbm type = inert
fluid : MMH
Structural Material : Stainless Steel, Teflon
valve: MOOG Spacebus valve, Model 53-203
Mass is for 3 valves total
==== INPUT ====
wdot = 0.23646 lbm/sec
cxw = 1
refWaterWdot = 0.214 lbm/sec
refWaterDP = 30 psid
# Valves = 3
==== OUTPUT ====
deltaP = 42.41 psid
Kw = 0.0390709 in-lb^.5/sec
velFluid = 85.3927 ft/sec
CdA = 0.00739903 sqin
fluid rho = 0.0311875 lbm/cuin
fluid D = 53.892 lbm/cuft
fluid visc = 53.04 1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec
wt/Valve = 0.900 lbm
Liquid Valve: Axial Ox valve (3)
mass = 2.700 lbm type = inert
fluid : MON25
Structural Material : Stainless Steel, Teflon
valve: MOOG Spacebus valve, Model 53-203
Mass is for 3 valves total
==== INPUT ====
wdot = 0.413804 lbm/sec
cxw = 1
refWaterWdot = 0.214 lbm/sec
refWaterDP = 30 psid
# Valves = 3
==== OUTPUT ====
deltaP = 82.38 psid
Kw = 0.0390709 in-lb^.5/sec
velFluid = 94.7877 ft/sec
CdA = 0.00739903 sqin
fluid rho = 0.0491685 lbm/cuin
fluid D = 84.9632 lbm/cuft
fluid visc = 26.7 1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec
wt/Valve = 0.900 lbm
Cylindrical/Spherical/Elliptical Tank: COPV Helium Tank
mass = 6.023 lbm type = inert
Composite Tank Algorithm
kalmod = 0
==== INPUT ====
vfree = 681.375 cuin
vfreeTotal = 681.375 cuin
ell = 1.764
rcyltd = 1.45
ptank = 4500 psia
sf = 2
cxw = 1.25
ithcyl = 1
kacqui = 0 no acq. device
inpex = 0
expefi = 0.99
tblad = 0.030 in
tbond = 0.030 in
ttrspc = 0.010 in
rhobnd = 0.04 lbm/cuin
rhoacq = 0.1 lbm/cuin
tliner = 0.040 in
rholiner = 0.1 lbm/cuin
==== OUTPUT ====
rinsid = 3.915 in
dinsid = 7.829 in
OR = 4.104 in
OD = 8.208 in
OH = 16.216 in
hinsid = 15.790 in
SAinsid = 419.384 sqin
cyl = 11.352 in
wacqui = 0.000 lbm
vacqui = 0 cuin
dpacq = 0 psig
pullag = 4500 psia
vresid = 7.55997 cuin
vtank = 688.935 cuin
tming = 0.050 in
thkcyl = 0.119 in
thkend = 0.143 in
thkBladOut = 0.030 in
wliner = 1.765 lbm
wtank(+liner) = 4.818 lbm
rho = 0.0637 lbm/cuin
PmeopVoverW = 514721 lbf-in/lbm
Pburst(est.) = 9000.0 psia
PburstVoverW = 1.02944e+06 lbf-in/lbm
Liquid Line: Fuel Line
mass = 0.643 lbm type = inert
fluid : MMH
Structural Material : Ti
==== INPUT ====
wdot = 0.748355 lbm/sec
OD = 0.500 in
thkWall = 0.045 in
len_inches = 50 in
Kfactors = 5 vel heads
roughness = 5e-06 in
pLine = 456.541 psia
cxw = 1.25
# Lines = 1
==== OUTPUT ====
dpLine = 10.05 psid
dPperVelHead = 1.33 psid
velFPS = 15.1457 ft/sec
ReNum = 5.257893E+04
rinsid = 0.205 in
dinsid = 0.410 in
volLine = 6.60127 cuin
rho = 0.16 lbm/cuin
sy = 119000 psi
sf = 57.2171
tming = 0.030 in
fluid rho = 0.0311875 lbm/cuin
fluid visc = 53.04 1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec
Cylindrical/Spherical/Elliptical Tank: Fuel Tank
mass = 7.383 lbm type = inert
Metal Tank Algorithm
Structural Material : Ti
Bladder Thickness is input at 0.030 in
kalmod = 0
==== INPUT ====
vfree = 2101.21 cuin
vfreeTotal = 2101.21 cuin
ell = 1
rcyltd = 0
ptank = 456.541 psia
sf = 1.5
cxw = 1.5
ithcyl = 1
kacqui = 7 elastomeric transverse bladder (dP=0)
inpex = 1
expefi = 0.98
tblad = 0.030 in
tbond = 0.030 in
ttrspc = 0.010 in
rhobnd = 0.04 lbm/cuin
rhoacq = 0.04 lbm/cuin
tliner = 0.000 in
rholiner = 0.04 lbm/cuin
==== OUTPUT ====
rinsid = 8.028 in
dinsid = 16.055 in
OR = 8.088 in
OD = 16.175 in
OH = 16.175 in
hinsid = 16.055 in
SAinsid = 809.795 sqin
cyl = 0.000 in
wacqui = 0.946 lbm
vacqui = 23.6509 cuin
dpacq = 0 psig
pullag = 504.01 psia
vresid = 42.0242 cuin
vtank = 2166.88 cuin
tming = 0.030 in
thkcyl = 0.030 in (use tming)
thkend = 0.030 in (use tming)
thkBladOut = 0.030 in
wtank = 3.976 lbm
rho = 0.16 lbm/cuin
sy = 119000 psi
e = 1.5e+07 psi
PmeopVoverW = 133989 lbf-in/lbm
Pburst(est.) = 444.7 psia
PburstVoverW = 130519 lbf-in/lbm
Gas Line: Helium line
mass = 0.290 lbm type = inert
In: HE T= 320.2 P= 479.0 D=0.5433 E=241.02 H=404.28 S=4.315 Supercrit
Out:HE T= 320.4 P= 456.5 D=0.5182 E=241.14 H=404.28 S=4.339 Supercrit
fluid : HE
Structural Material : Ti
Allow Non-Standard wall thickness
Using Poutlet to design line
Line Diameter is an Input (vel is output)
==== INPUT ====
wdot = 0.0151911 lbm/sec
DiamInp = 0.250 in
thkWallInp = 0.045 in
len_inches = 50 in
Kfactors = 5 vel heads
roughness = 5e-06 in
PgasOutlet = 456.5 psia
sf = 4
cxw = 1.25
# Lines = 1
==== OUTPUT ====
PgasInlet = 479.0 psia
velFPS = 209.847 ft/sec
velHead = 2.582 psi
dpLine = 22.48 psig
dp due to Line = 10.48 psig
dp due to Ks = 12.00 psig
dp/Pinlet = 0.0469366
ReNum = 1.551340E+05
fricfact = 0.0139809
thkLine = 0.045 in
rinsid = 0.080 in
dinsid = 0.160 in
volLine = 1.00531 cuin
rho = 0.16 lbm/cuin
sy = 119000 psi
tming = 0.035 in
fluid dens = 0.543328 lbm/cuft
fluid visc = 9.58486e-06 lb/ft-sec
fluid sonicV = 2640.01 ft/sec
fluid Mach = 0.0794873
Liquid Line: Ox Line
mass = 0.643 lbm type = inert
fluid : MON25
Structural Material : Ti
==== INPUT ====
wdot = 1.30962 lbm/sec
OD = 0.500 in
thkWall = 0.045 in
len_inches = 50 in
Kfactors = 5 vel heads
roughness = 5e-06 in
pLine = 456.541 psia
cxw = 1.25
# Lines = 1
==== OUTPUT ====
dpLine = 18.04 psid
dPperVelHead = 2.59 psid
velFPS = 16.812 ft/sec
ReNum = 1.827856E+05
rinsid = 0.205 in
dinsid = 0.410 in
volLine = 6.60127 cuin
rho = 0.16 lbm/cuin
sy = 119000 psi
sf = 57.2171
tming = 0.030 in
fluid rho = 0.0491685 lbm/cuin
fluid visc = 26.7 1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec
Cylindrical/Spherical/Elliptical Tank: Ox Tank
mass = 9.531 lbm type = inert
Metal Tank Algorithm
Structural Material : Ti
kalmod = 0
==== INPUT ====
vfree = 2332.39 cuin
vfreeTotal = 2332.39 cuin
ell = 1
rcyltd = 0
ptank = 456.541 psia
sf = 1.5
cxw = 1.5
ithcyl = 1
kacqui = 6 capillary device
inpex = 1
expefi = 0.98
tblad = 0.030 in
tbond = 0.030 in
ttrspc = 0.010 in
rhobnd = 0.04 lbm/cuin
rhoacq = 0.16 lbm/cuin
tliner = 0.000 in
rholiner = 0.04 lbm/cuin
==== OUTPUT ====
rinsid = 8.297 in
dinsid = 16.593 in
OR = 8.357 in
OD = 16.713 in
OH = 16.713 in
hinsid = 16.593 in
SAinsid = 865.003 sqin
cyl = 0.000 in
wacqui = 2.108 lbm
vacqui = 13.1753 cuin
dpacq = 0 psig
pullag = 456.541 psia
vresid = 46.6478 cuin
vtank = 2392.21 cuin
tming = 0.030 in
thkcyl = 0.030 in (use tming)
thkend = 0.030 in (use tming)
thkBladOut = 0.030 in
wtank = 4.246 lbm
rho = 0.16 lbm/cuin
sy = 119000 psi
e = 1.5e+07 psi
PmeopVoverW = 114594 lbf-in/lbm
Pburst(est.) = 430.3 psia
PburstVoverW = 108006 lbf-in/lbm
Bipropellant Engine: R-6D with valves (6)
mass = 6.000 lbm type = inert
Propellants : MON25 / MMH
NASA CEA Code for ODE performance
Actual Hardware Weight
Bell Nozzle with Percent Bell = 80
Mass is for 6 engines total
==== INPUT ====
Pc = 92.0 psia
Dt = 0.207 in
eps = 100
%Bell = 80.00 %
mr = 1.75
CR = 2.5
Lprime = 3.000 in
xlc/xln = 1
etaERE = 0.97
==== OUTPUT ====
Fvac = 5.00198 lbf
Isp = 280 sec
Cstar = 5554.7 ft/sec
etaNoz = 0.839711
effIsp = 0.81452
IspODE = 343.761 sec
CstarODE = 5726.5 ft/sec
Tc = 5512.2 degR
wdotTot = 0.0178642 lbm/sec
wdotOx = 0.0113681 lbm/sec
wdotFl = 0.00649608 lbm/sec
rhoFl = 0.0316 lbm/cuin
rhoOx = 0.0501 lbm/cuin
volDotOx = 0.226732 cuin/sec
volDotFl = 0.205802 cuin/sec
At = 0.0335236 sqin
Dcham = 0.327 in
Dexit = 2.066 in
xlc = 1.500 in
xln = 1.500 in
Lcham = 3.000 in
Lnoz = 2.776 in
Lengine = 6.102 in
wt/Engine = 1.000 lbm
F/W = 5.002 lbf/lbm
Helium Pressurant: Helium Pressurant
mass = 1.005 lbm type = pressurant
Integrated Heat Transfer
==== INPUT ====
VpropTnk = 4433.6 cuin
PGasTnkMEOP = 4500 psia
PpropNom = 456.541 psia
PfinGasOvPnom = 0.8
tAction = 318 sec
TminR = 456.0 degR
TmaxR = 582.0 degR
==== OUTPUT ====
WGasTotal = 1.005 lbm
WtGasResid = 0.164 lbm
WtHeLLACS = 0.100 lbm
WGasNon-Resid = 0.840 lbm
Vbottle = 681.375 cuin
wdotGas = 0.00264261 lbm/sec
compressInit = 1.13565
PbottleCold = 3536.96 psia
densInitBot = 2.54803 lbm/cuft
densFinalBot = 0.416857 lbm/cuft
densFinalProp = 0.383685 lbm/cuft
gammaIsen = 1.64101
gamPolyBottle = 1.1844
gamPolyTank = 1.02035
fracIsenBottle = 0.28768
fracIsenTank = 0.0317405
TfinalPropGas = 435.8 degR
TfinalGasBot = 320.2 degR
PfinalGasBot = 365.2 psia
Incompressible Liquid: MON-25
mass = 111.240 lbm type = propellant
MON25 Properties Calculated by Method of Corresponding States
==== INPUT ====
T = 550.0 degR
P = 100.0 psia
Tref = 530.0 degR
Tnbp = 475.6 degR
Tcrit = 747.0 degR
Pref = 14.7 psia
Pcrit = 2100.0 psia
WtMol = 60.7
RhoRef = 0.050139 lb/cuin
ViscRefFT = 0.000267 lb/ft-sec
CondRefFTHR = 0.0759456 BTU/ft-hr-R
CpRef = 0.336 BTU/lbm degR
Burned Axial = 95.314 lbm
Burned ACS = 14.814 lbm
Margin = 0.000 lbm
Leakage = 0.000 lbm
Residual = 1.112 lbm
==== OUTPUT ====
D = 84.963 lbm/cuft
rho = 0.0491685 lbm/cuin (1.36098 SG)
Cp = 0.336 BTU/lbm degR
Visc = 26.7 [1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec]
Cond = 0.0759456 BTU/ft-hr-R
SurfTen = 0.000131139 lbf/in
phase = LIQUID
Pvap = 99.2407 psia
Vcuft = 1.30927 cuft
Volume = 2262.42 cuin
Incompressible Liquid: Monomethyl Hydrazine
mass = 63.566 lbm type = propellant
MMH Properties Calculated by Method of Corresponding States
==== INPUT ====
T = 550.0 degR
P = 14.7 psia
Tref = 530.0 degR
Tnbp = 650.0 degR
Tcrit = 1053.0 degR
Pref = 14.7 psia
Pcrit = 1195.0 psia
WtMol = 46.07
RhoRef = 0.0315646 lb/cuin
ViscRefFT = 0.0005304 lb/ft-sec
CondRefFTHR = 0.143294 BTU/ft-hr-R
CpRef = 0.7 BTU/lbm degR
Burned Axial = 54.465 lbm
Burned ACS = 8.465 lbm
Margin = 0.000 lbm
Leakage = 0.000 lbm
Residual = 0.636 lbm
==== OUTPUT ====
D = 53.892 lbm/cuft
rho = 0.0311875 lbm/cuin (0.863267 SG)
Cp = 0.7 BTU/lbm degR
Visc = 53.04 [1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec]
Cond = 0.143294 BTU/ft-hr-R
SurfTen = 0.000184989 lbf/in
phase = LIQUID
Pvap = 1.54936 psia
Vcuft = 1.1795 cuft
Volume = 2038.17 cuin

(PRISM) PaRametrIc System Model
PRISM v1.1.7
contact: C. Taylor,