Upper Stage Optimization

NTO/MMH He & COPV Tanks PRISM v1.1.7
by: Elly Kepler May 05, 2018
PRISM System: NTO/MMH He & COPV Tanks 
                mass =      320.602 lbm
                type = bi-propellant
      name         value        minimum   maximum
       PHe         5000         4000         9000 Helium Tank Pressure  (psia)
        Pc          150          150          500 Engine Chamber Pressure  (psia)
 Figure of Merit = 320.602 = Total System Mass, lbm (sysMass)
PRISM System: NTO/MMH He & COPV Tanks 
                mass =      314.819 lbm
                type = bi-propellant
      name         value        minimum   maximum
       PHe      8541.95         4000         9000 Helium Tank Pressure  (psia)
        Pc      359.047          150          500 Engine Chamber Pressure  (psia)
 Figure of Merit = 314.819 = Total System Mass, lbm (sysMass)
System Sensitivity
Design Variables (nominal values)
MR 1.65Engine Mixture Ratio
Pc 359.047psiaEngine Chamber Pressure (psia)
pcentBell 80Nozzle Percent Bell
PHe 8541.95psiaHelium Tank Pressure (psia)
Result Variables
deltaV 901.2 ft/secVacuum Delta Velocity (ft/sec)=901.2
eps 133.609
* ----->
Axial Engine Area Ratio
(eps varies to make Lengine = 15.6 in)
>10, <600
epsPY 31.9217
* ----->
PY Engine Area Ratio
(epsPY varies to make LPYnoz = 1.5 in)
>1.2, <150
Isp 304.377 secEngine Specific Impulse (sec)---
Itot 53516.8 lbf-secTotal Impulse (lbf-sec)---
Lengine 15.6 inAxial Engine Length (in)=15.6
LPYnoz 1.5 inPY Engine Length (in)=1.5
sysMass 314.819 lbmTotal System Mass (lbm)---
WtPropAxial 175.824
* ----->
lbmTotal Usable Axial Propellant (lbm)
(WtPropAxial varies to make deltaV = 901.2 ft/sec)
>10, <600
Mass Summary
System: NTO/MMH He & COPV Tanks 314.819 lbm Total
NameMass UnitsType
Axial Engine 5.405lbminert
Axial Engine Fuel Line 0.363lbminert
Axial Engine Ox Line 0.363lbminert
Fuel Tank 10.884lbminert
Helium Tank 9.804lbminert
Oxidizer Tank 10.840lbminert
PY Engines 6.886lbminert
RCS Fuel Lines 3.498lbminert
RCS Ox Lines 3.123lbminert
Roll Engines 4.335lbminert
Stage Misc. 50.000lbminert
Helium Pressurant 2.504lbmpressurant
Monomethyl Hydrazine 80.298lbmpropellant
Nitrogen Tetroxide 126.516lbmpropellant

Design Variables (nominal values)
MR 1.65Engine Mixture Ratio
Pc 359.047psiaEngine Chamber Pressure (psia)
pcentBell 80Nozzle Percent Bell
PHe 8541.95psiaHelium Tank Pressure (psia)
Design Variables (nominal values)
MR 1.65Engine Mixture Ratio
Pc 359.047psiaEngine Chamber Pressure (psia)
pcentBell 80Nozzle Percent Bell
PHe 8541.95psiaHelium Tank Pressure (psia)
Design Variables (nominal values)
MR 1.65Engine Mixture Ratio
Pc 359.047psiaEngine Chamber Pressure (psia)
pcentBell 80Nozzle Percent Bell
PHe 8541.95psiaHelium Tank Pressure (psia)
Design Variables (nominal values)
MR 1.65Engine Mixture Ratio
Pc 359.047psiaEngine Chamber Pressure (psia)
pcentBell 80Nozzle Percent Bell
PHe 8541.95psiaHelium Tank Pressure (psia)
Design Variables (nominal values)
MR 1.65Engine Mixture Ratio
pcentBell 80Nozzle Percent Bell
Design Variables (nominal values)
MR 1.65Engine Mixture Ratio
Pc 359.047psiaEngine Chamber Pressure (psia)
pcentBell 80Nozzle Percent Bell
PHe 8541.95psiaHelium Tank Pressure (psia)
Design Variables (nominal values)
MR 1.65Engine Mixture Ratio
Pc 359.047psiaEngine Chamber Pressure (psia)
pcentBell 80Nozzle Percent Bell
PHe 8541.95psiaHelium Tank Pressure (psia)
Design Variable Summary
Design Variables (nominal values)
MR 1.65Engine Mixture Ratio
Pc 359.047psiaEngine Chamber Pressure (psia)
pcentBell 80Nozzle Percent Bell
PHe 8541.95psiaHelium Tank Pressure (psia)
Result Variables
deltaV 901.2 ft/secVacuum Delta Velocity (ft/sec)=901.2
eps 133.609
* ----->
Axial Engine Area Ratio
(eps varies to make Lengine = 15.6 in)
>10, <600
epsPY 31.9217
* ----->
PY Engine Area Ratio
(epsPY varies to make LPYnoz = 1.5 in)
>1.2, <150
Isp 304.377 secEngine Specific Impulse (sec)---
Itot 53516.8 lbf-secTotal Impulse (lbf-sec)---
Lengine 15.6 inAxial Engine Length (in)=15.6
LPYnoz 1.5 inPY Engine Length (in)=1.5
sysMass 314.819 lbmTotal System Mass (lbm)---
WtPropAxial 175.824
* ----->
lbmTotal Usable Axial Propellant (lbm)
(WtPropAxial varies to make deltaV = 901.2 ft/sec)
>10, <600
Bipropellant Engine: Axial Engine
mass = 5.405 lbm type = inert
Propellants : N2O4 / MMH
NASA CEA Code for ODE performance
Physical Weight Model
Injector Material is SS
Nozzle Material is Cb103
Bell Nozzle with Percent Bell = 80
==== INPUT ====
Fvac = 315 lbf
Pc = 359.0 psia
eps = 133.609
%Bell = 80.00 %
mr = 1.65
CR = 2.5
xlnOverLcham = 0.5
LoverDt = 2
LchamMin = 2.000 in
cxwInj = 1
cxwValves = 1
cxw = 1.27
etaERE = 0.94
==== OUTPUT ====
Isp = 304.377 sec
Cstar = 5390.6 ft/sec
etaBL = 0.974645
etaDiv = 0.992212
etaKin = 0.973074
etaNoz = 0.941016
effIsp = 0.884555
IspODE = 344.102 sec
CstarODE = 5734.7 ft/sec
Tc = 5618.1 degR
PcFace = 376.297 psia
Pexit = 0.134175 psia
wdotTot = 1.0349 lbm/sec
wdotOx = 0.644372 lbm/sec
wdotFl = 0.390529 lbm/sec
rhoFl = 0.0316 lbm/cuin
rhoOx = 0.0521 lbm/cuin
volDotOx = 12.3737 cuin/sec
volDotFl = 12.3723 cuin/sec
DFlow = 0.725 in
At = 0.482927 sqin
Dt = 0.784 in
Dcham = 1.240 in
Dexit = 9.064 in
Lcham = 2.000 in
xlc = 1.000 in
xln = 1.000 in
Lnoz = 12.360 in
Lengine = 15.600 in
rhoInj = 0.280 lbm/cuin
rhoNoz = 0.310 lbm/cuin
thkCham = 0.020 in
thkNoz = 0.020 in
WtNoz = 1.527 lbm
WtChamber = 0.045 lbm
WtInj = 0.507 lbm
WtAcoustic = 0.471 lbm
WtValves(2) = 2.037 lbm
WtMisc = 0.102 lbm
F/W = 58.277 lbf/lbm

Solenoid Valve: biprop valves
mass = 2.037 lbm type = inert
Based on Solenoid Valve Experience
Mass is for 2 valves total
==== INPUT ====
cuInchPerSec = 12.3737 cuin/sec
cxw = 1.000
==== OUTPUT ====
basemass = 1.019 lbm
Liquid Line: Axial Engine Fuel Line
mass = 0.363 lbm type = inert
fluid : MMH
Structural Material : Ti
Allow Non-Standard wall thickness
==== INPUT ====
wdot = 0.390529 lbm/sec
velFPS = 20 ft/sec
len_inches = 24 in
Kfactors = 10 vel heads
roughness = 5e-06 in
thkInp = 0 in
pLine = 666.979 psia
sf = 4
cxw = 3.5
# Lines = 1
==== OUTPUT ====
dpLine = 28.30 psig
ReNum = 4.391018E+04
thkLine = 0.030 in
rinsid = 0.128 in
dinsid = 0.256 in
doutside = 0.316 in
volLine = 1.23723 cuin
rho = 0.16 lbm/cuin
sy = 119000 psi
tming = 0.030 in
fluid rho = 0.0315646 lbm/cuin
fluid visc = 53.04 1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec
Liquid Line: Axial Engine Ox Line
mass = 0.363 lbm type = inert
fluid : N2O4
Structural Material : Ti
Allow Non-Standard wall thickness
==== INPUT ====
wdot = 0.644372 lbm/sec
velFPS = 20 ft/sec
len_inches = 24 in
Kfactors = 10 vel heads
roughness = 5e-06 in
thkInp = 0 in
pLine = 666.979 psia
sf = 4
cxw = 3.5
# Lines = 1
==== OUTPUT ====
dpLine = 44.90 psig
ReNum = 1.442428E+05
thkLine = 0.030 in
rinsid = 0.128 in
dinsid = 0.256 in
doutside = 0.316 in
volLine = 1.23737 cuin
rho = 0.16 lbm/cuin
sy = 119000 psi
tming = 0.030 in
fluid rho = 0.0520758 lbm/cuin
fluid visc = 26.64 1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec
Cylindrical/Spherical/Elliptical Tank: Fuel Tank
mass = 10.884 lbm type = inert
Metal Tank Algorithm
Structural Material : grEpox
Bladder Thickness is input at 0.030 in
kalmod = 0
==== INPUT ====
vfree = 2622.6 cuin
vfreeTotal = 2622.6 cuin
ell = 1.767
rcyltd = 1.445
ptank = 666.979 psia
sf = 1.5
cxw = 1.5
ithcyl = 1
kacqui = 1 transverse collapsing Alum. bladder
inpex = 1
expefi = 0.98
tblad = 0.030 in
tbond = 0.030 in
ttrspc = 0.010 in
rhobnd = 0.04 lbm/cuin
rhoacq = 0.098 lbm/cuin
tliner = 0.030 in
rholiner = 0.098 lbm/cuin
==== OUTPUT ====
rinsid = 6.206 in
dinsid = 12.412 in
OR = 6.282 in
OD = 12.564 in
OH = 25.108 in
hinsid = 24.960 in
SAinsid = 1051.427 sqin
cyl = 17.936 in
wacqui = 3.049 lbm
vacqui = 30.4917 cuin
dpacq = 52.6791 psig
pullag = 719.658 psia
vresid = 52.452 cuin
vtank = 2736.85 cuin
tming = 0.008 in
thkcyl = 0.016 in
thkend = 0.014 in
thkBladOut = 0.030 in
wliner = 3.091 lbm
wtank(+liner) = 4.207 lbm
rho = 0.0637 lbm/cuin
sy = 393000 psi
e = 3.5e+07 psi
PmeopVoverW = 167714 lbf-in/lbm
Pburst(est.) = 1000.5 psia
PburstVoverW = 251572 lbf-in/lbm
Cylindrical/Spherical/Elliptical Tank: Helium Tank
mass = 9.804 lbm type = inert
Composite Tank Algorithm
kalmod = 0
==== INPUT ====
vfree = 944.152 cuin
vfreeTotal = 944.152 cuin
ell = 1.764
rcyltd = 1.142
ptank = 8541.95 psia
sf = 1.5
cxw = 1
ithcyl = 1
kacqui = 0 no acq. device
inpex = 0
expefi = 0.99
tblad = 0.030 in
tbond = 0.030 in
ttrspc = 0.010 in
rhobnd = 0.04 lbm/cuin
rhoacq = 0.28 lbm/cuin
tliner = 0.065 in
rholiner = 0.101 lbm/cuin
==== OUTPUT ====
rinsid = 4.640 in
dinsid = 9.280 in
OR = 4.937 in
OD = 9.873 in
OH = 16.531 in
hinsid = 15.859 in
SAinsid = 505.929 sqin
cyl = 10.598 in
wacqui = 0.000 lbm
vacqui = 0 cuin
dpacq = 0 psig
pullag = 8541.95 psia
vresid = 9.93352 cuin
vtank = 954.086 cuin
tming = 0.008 in
thkcyl = 0.202 in
thkend = 0.241 in
thkBladOut = 0.030 in
wliner = 3.530 lbm
wtank(+liner) = 9.804 lbm
rho = 0.0637 lbm/cuin
PmeopVoverW = 831286 lbf-in/lbm
Pburst(est.) = 12812.9 psia
PburstVoverW = 1.24693e+06 lbf-in/lbm
Cylindrical/Spherical/Elliptical Tank: Oxidizer Tank
mass = 10.840 lbm type = inert
Composite Tank Algorithm
Bladder Thickness is input at 0.030 in
kalmod = 0
==== INPUT ====
vfree = 2504.6 cuin
vfreeTotal = 2504.6 cuin
ell = 1.767
rcyltd = 1.445
ptank = 666.979 psia
sf = 1.5
cxw = 1.5
ithcyl = 1
kacqui = 1 transverse collapsing Alum. bladder
inpex = 1
expefi = 0.98
tblad = 0.030 in
tbond = 0.030 in
ttrspc = 0.010 in
rhobnd = 0.04 lbm/cuin
rhoacq = 0.098 lbm/cuin
tliner = 0.030 in
rholiner = 0.098 lbm/cuin
==== OUTPUT ====
rinsid = 6.089 in
dinsid = 12.177 in
OR = 6.169 in
OD = 12.337 in
OH = 24.649 in
hinsid = 24.487 in
SAinsid = 1011.973 sqin
cyl = 17.596 in
wacqui = 2.957 lbm
vacqui = 29.5676 cuin
dpacq = 53.0025 psig
pullag = 719.981 psia
vresid = 50.0919 cuin
vtank = 2584.26 cuin
tming = 0.008 in
thkcyl = 0.020 in
thkend = 0.021 in
thkBladOut = 0.030 in
wliner = 3.117 lbm
wtank(+liner) = 4.270 lbm
rho = 0.0637 lbm/cuin
PmeopVoverW = 159003 lbf-in/lbm
Pburst(est.) = 1000.5 psia
PburstVoverW = 238504 lbf-in/lbm
Bipropellant Engine: PY Engines
mass = 6.886 lbm type = inert
Propellants : N2O4 / MMH
NASA CEA Code for ODE performance
Physical Weight Model
Injector Material is SS
Nozzle Material is Cb103
Bell Nozzle with Percent Bell = 80
Mass is for 6 engines total
==== INPUT ====
Fvac = 23 lbf
Pc = 359.0 psia
eps = 31.9217
%Bell = 80.00 %
mr = 1.2
CR = 2.5
xlnOverLcham = 0.5
LoverDt = 2
LchamMin = 1.500 in
cxwInj = 1
cxwValves = 1
cxw = 1.5875
etaERE = 0.9
==== OUTPUT ====
Isp = 271.441 sec
Cstar = 5000.0 ft/sec
etaBL = 0.976537
etaDiv = 0.991441
etaKin = 1
etaNoz = 0.968179
effIsp = 0.871361
IspODE = 311.514 sec
CstarODE = 5555.5 ft/sec
Tc = 4802.9 degR
PcFace = 376.297 psia
Pexit = 0.807341 psia
wdotTot = 0.0847328 lbm/sec
wdotOx = 0.0462179 lbm/sec
wdotFl = 0.0385149 lbm/sec
rhoFl = 0.0316 lbm/cuin
rhoOx = 0.0521 lbm/cuin
volDotOx = 0.887511 cuin/sec
volDotFl = 1.22019 cuin/sec
DFlow = 0.228 in
At = 0.0366746 sqin
Dt = 0.216 in
Dcham = 0.342 in
Dexit = 1.221 in
Lcham = 1.500 in
xlc = 0.750 in
xln = 0.750 in
Lnoz = 1.500 in
Lengine = 3.342 in
rhoInj = 0.280 lbm/cuin
rhoNoz = 0.310 lbm/cuin
thkCham = 0.020 in
thkNoz = 0.020 in
WtNoz = 0.027 lbm
WtChamber = 0.010 lbm
WtInj = 0.011 lbm
WtAcoustic = 0.119 lbm
WtValves(2) = 0.868 lbm
WtMisc = 0.010 lbm
wt/Engine = 1.148 lbm
F/W = 20.040 lbf/lbm

Solenoid Valve: biprop valves
mass = 0.868 lbm type = inert
Based on Solenoid Valve Experience
Mass is for 2 valves total
==== INPUT ====
cuInchPerSec = 1.22019 cuin/sec
cxw = 1.000
==== OUTPUT ====
basemass = 0.434 lbm
Liquid Line: RCS Fuel Lines
mass = 3.498 lbm type = inert
fluid : MMH
Structural Material : Ti
Allow Non-Standard wall thickness
Mass is for 10 lines total
==== INPUT ====
wdot = 0.0385149 lbm/sec
velFPS = 20 ft/sec
len_inches = 60 in
Kfactors = 10 vel heads
roughness = 5e-06 in
thkInp = 0 in
pLine = 666.979 psia
sf = 4
cxw = 3.5
# Lines = 10
==== OUTPUT ====
dpLine = 74.59 psig
ReNum = 1.378965E+04
thkLine = 0.030 in
rinsid = 0.040 in
dinsid = 0.080 in
doutside = 0.140 in
volLine = 0.305048 cuin
rho = 0.16 lbm/cuin
sy = 119000 psi
tming = 0.030 in
fluid rho = 0.0315646 lbm/cuin
fluid visc = 53.04 1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec
wt/Line = 0.350 lbm
Liquid Line: RCS Ox Lines
mass = 3.123 lbm type = inert
fluid : N2O4
Structural Material : Ti
Allow Non-Standard wall thickness
Mass is for 10 lines total
==== INPUT ====
wdot = 0.0462179 lbm/sec
velFPS = 20 ft/sec
len_inches = 60 in
Kfactors = 10 vel heads
roughness = 5e-06 in
thkInp = 0 in
pLine = 666.979 psia
sf = 4
cxw = 3.5
# Lines = 10
==== OUTPUT ====
dpLine = 115.17 psig
ReNum = 3.863055E+04
thkLine = 0.030 in
rinsid = 0.034 in
dinsid = 0.069 in
doutside = 0.129 in
volLine = 0.221878 cuin
rho = 0.16 lbm/cuin
sy = 119000 psi
tming = 0.030 in
fluid rho = 0.0520758 lbm/cuin
fluid visc = 26.64 1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec
wt/Line = 0.312 lbm
Bipropellant Engine: Roll Engines
mass = 4.335 lbm type = inert
Propellants : N2O4 / MMH
NASA CEA Code for ODE performance
Physical Weight Model
Injector Material is SS
Nozzle Material is Cb103
Bell Nozzle with Percent Bell = 80
Mass is for 4 engines total
==== INPUT ====
Fvac = 18 lbf
Pc = 359.0 psia
eps = 31.9217
%Bell = 80.00 %
mr = 1.2
CR = 2.5
xlnOverLcham = 0.5
LoverDt = 2
LchamMin = 1.500 in
cxwInj = 1
cxwValves = 1
cxw = 1.5875
etaERE = 0.9
==== OUTPUT ====
Isp = 271.275 sec
Cstar = 5000.0 ft/sec
etaBL = 0.97594
etaDiv = 0.991441
etaKin = 1
etaNoz = 0.967587
effIsp = 0.870828
IspODE = 311.514 sec
CstarODE = 5555.5 ft/sec
Tc = 4802.9 degR
PcFace = 376.297 psia
Pexit = 0.807341 psia
wdotTot = 0.0663532 lbm/sec
wdotOx = 0.0361927 lbm/sec
wdotFl = 0.0301606 lbm/sec
rhoFl = 0.0316 lbm/cuin
rhoOx = 0.0521 lbm/cuin
volDotOx = 0.694999 cuin/sec
volDotFl = 0.955518 cuin/sec
DFlow = 0.201 in
At = 0.0287194 sqin
Dt = 0.191 in
Dcham = 0.302 in
Dexit = 1.080 in
Lcham = 1.500 in
xlc = 0.750 in
xln = 0.750 in
Lnoz = 1.327 in
Lengine = 3.130 in
rhoInj = 0.280 lbm/cuin
rhoNoz = 0.310 lbm/cuin
thkCham = 0.020 in
thkNoz = 0.020 in
WtNoz = 0.022 lbm
WtChamber = 0.009 lbm
WtInj = 0.007 lbm
WtAcoustic = 0.110 lbm
WtValves(2) = 0.838 lbm
WtMisc = 0.008 lbm
wt/Engine = 1.084 lbm
F/W = 16.607 lbf/lbm

Solenoid Valve: biprop valves
mass = 0.838 lbm type = inert
Based on Solenoid Valve Experience
Mass is for 2 valves total
==== INPUT ====
cuInchPerSec = 0.955518 cuin/sec
cxw = 1.000
==== OUTPUT ====
basemass = 0.419 lbm
Miscellaneous Mass Items: Stage Misc.
mass = 50.000 lbm type = inert
All items are of type: inert
Helium Pressurant: Helium Pressurant
mass = 2.504 lbm type = pressurant
Polytropic Heat Transfer
==== INPUT ====
VpropTnk = 5127.2 cuin
PHeTnk = 8541.95 psia
PpropNom = 666.979 psia
PfinHeOvPnom = 1.1
tAction = 200 sec
TminR = 510.0 degR
TmaxR = 550.0 degR
tPolyCorr = 240 sec
gamPolyCorr = 1.66
gamLimPolyCorr = 1
==== OUTPUT ====
WHeTotal = 2.504 lbm
WtHeResid = 0.415 lbm
WHeExpended = 2.089 lbm
volHeTotal = 944.152 cuin
wdotHe = 0.0104429 lbm/sec
compressInit = 1.26645
PinitCold = 7934.37 psia
densInitBot = 4.5828 lbm/cuft
densFinalBot = 0.760318 lbm/cuft
densFinalProp = 0.703907 lbm/cuft
gammaPoly = 1.19333
TfinalPropHe = 341.5 degR
TfinalHeBot = 346.8 degR
PfinalHeBot = 733.7 psia
Incompressible Liquid: Monomethyl Hydrazine
mass = 80.298 lbm type = propellant
MMH Properties Calculated by Method of Corresponding States
==== INPUT ====
T = 530.0 degR
P = 14.7 psia
Tref = 530.0 degR
Tnbp = 650.0 degR
Tcrit = 1053.0 degR
Pref = 14.7 psia
Pcrit = 1195.0 psia
WtMol = 46.07
RhoRef = 0.0315646 lb/cuin
ViscRefFT = 0.0005304 lb/ft-sec
CondRefFTHR = 0.143294 BTU/ft-hr-R
CpRef = 0.7 BTU/lbm degR
Burned Axial = 66.349 lbm
Burned RCS = 13.146 lbm
Residual = 0.803 lbm
==== OUTPUT ====
D = 54.544 lbm/cuft
rho = 0.0315646 lbm/cuin (0.873706 SG)
Cp = 0.7 BTU/lbm degR
Visc = 53.04 [1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec]
Cond = 0.143294 BTU/ft-hr-R
SurfTen = 0.0001932 lbf/in
phase = LIQUID
Pvap = 0.875502 psia
Vcuft = 1.47218 cuft
Volume = 2543.92 cuin
Incompressible Liquid: Nitrogen Tetroxide
mass = 126.516 lbm type = propellant
N2O4 Properties Calculated by Method of Corresponding States
==== INPUT ====
T = 530.0 degR
P = 20.0 psia
Tref = 530.0 degR
Tnbp = 529.8 degR
Tcrit = 776.5 degR
Pref = 14.7 psia
Pcrit = 1440.0 psia
WtMol = 92.016
RhoRef = 0.0520758 lb/cuin
ViscRefFT = 0.0002664 lb/ft-sec
CondRefFTHR = 0.0759456 BTU/ft-hr-R
CpRef = 0.378 BTU/lbm degR
Burned Axial = 109.475 lbm
Burned RCS = 15.776 lbm
Residual = 1.265 lbm
==== OUTPUT ====
D = 89.987 lbm/cuft
rho = 0.0520758 lbm/cuin (1.44145 SG)
Cp = 0.378 BTU/lbm degR
Visc = 26.64 [1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec]
Cond = 0.0759456 BTU/ft-hr-R
SurfTen = 0.0001433 lbf/in
phase = LIQUID
Pvap = 14.7864 psia
Vcuft = 1.40594 cuft
Volume = 2429.46 cuin

(PRISM) PaRametrIc System Model
PRISM v1.1.7
contact: C. Taylor, cet@appliedpython.com