Generic N2O4/MMH at MR=1.8, Pc=500

Chamber Length Optimization PRISM v1.1.7
by: Percy Bell May 05, 2018
Design Variables (nominal values)
ko 0.035Entrainment Constant
LinjToExit 7inLprime + Lnoz (in)
Lprime 1.5inChamber Length (in)
Design Variables (nominal values)
ko 0.035Entrainment Constant
LinjToExit 7inLprime + Lnoz (in)
pc 500psiaChamber Pressure (psia)
Design Variables (nominal values)
ko 0.035Entrainment Constant
LinjToExit 7inLprime + Lnoz (in)
pc 500psiaChamber Pressure (psia)
Design Variables (nominal values)
ko 0.035Entrainment Constant
LinjToExit 7inLprime + Lnoz (in)
pc 500psiaChamber Pressure (psia)
Design Variables (nominal values)
ko 0.035Entrainment Constant
pc 500psiaChamber Pressure (psia)
pcentBell 70Percent Bell of Nozzle
Design Variables (nominal values)
ko 0.035Entrainment Constant
pc 500psiaChamber Pressure (psia)
pcentBell 70Percent Bell of Nozzle
Design Variables (nominal values)
ko 0.035Entrainment Constant
pc 500psiaChamber Pressure (psia)
pcentBell 70Percent Bell of Nozzle
Design Variables (nominal values)
LinjToExit 7inLprime + Lnoz (in)
pc 500psiaChamber Pressure (psia)
pcentBell 70Percent Bell of Nozzle
Design Variables (nominal values)
LinjToExit 7inLprime + Lnoz (in)
Lprime 1.5inChamber Length (in)
pcentBell 70Percent Bell of Nozzle
Design Variable Summary
Design Variables (nominal values)
ko 0.035Entrainment Constant
LinjToExit 7inLprime + Lnoz (in)
Lprime 1.5inChamber Length (in)
pc 500psiaChamber Pressure (psia)
pcentBell 70Percent Bell of Nozzle
Result Variables
eps 16.6651 Nozzle Area Ratio---
IspDel 298.61 secDelivered Isp (sec)---
pcentFFC 12.9498 Percent Fuel Film Cooling---
sysMass 9.41589 lbmTotal System Mass (lbm)---
Bipropellant Engine: Est Engine
mass = 9.416 lbm type = inert
Propellants : N2O4 / MMH
NASA CEA Code for ODE performance
Physical Weight Model
Injector Material is SS
Nozzle Material is Cb103
Bell Nozzle with Percent Bell = 70
==== INPUT ====
Fvac = 1250 lbf
Pc = 500.0 psia
eps = 16.6651
%Bell = 70.00 %
mr = 1.8
CR = 2.5
xlnOverLcham = 0.5
LoverDt = 0.01
LchamMin = 1.500 in
cxwInj = 1
cxwValves = 1
cxw = 1.25
etaERE = 0.955412
==== OUTPUT ====
Isp = 291.287 sec
Cstar = 5494.5 ft/sec
etaBL = 0.987771
etaDiv = 0.981836
etaKin = 0.978734
etaNoz = 0.949205
effIsp = 0.906882
IspODE = 321.196 sec
CstarODE = 5750.9 ft/sec
Tc = 5809.7 degR
PcFace = 524.022 psia
Pexit = 3.01395 psia
wdotTot = 4.2913 lbm/sec
wdotOx = 2.75869 lbm/sec
wdotFl = 1.53261 lbm/sec
rhoFl = 0.0316 lbm/cuin
rhoOx = 0.0521 lbm/cuin
volDotOx = 52.9745 cuin/sec
volDotFl = 48.5545 cuin/sec
DFlow = 1.499 in
At = 1.46568 sqin
Dt = 1.366 in
Dcham = 2.160 in
Dexit = 5.577 in
Lcham = 1.500 in
xlc = 0.750 in
xln = 0.750 in
Lnoz = 5.500 in
Lengine = 9.160 in
rhoInj = 0.280 lbm/cuin
rhoNoz = 0.310 lbm/cuin
thkCham = 0.044 in
thkNoz = 0.024 in
WtNoz = 0.679 lbm
WtChamber = 0.128 lbm
WtInj = 1.862 lbm
WtAcoustic = 0.658 lbm
WtValves(2) = 4.710 lbm
WtMisc = 0.438 lbm
F/W = 132.754 lbf/lbm

Solenoid Valve: biprop valves
mass = 4.710 lbm type = inert
Based on Solenoid Valve Experience
Mass is for 2 valves total
==== INPUT ====
cuInchPerSec = 52.9745 cuin/sec
cxw = 1.000
==== OUTPUT ====
basemass = 2.355 lbm

(PRISM) PaRametrIc System Model
PRISM v1.1.7
contact: C. Taylor,