PRISM (PaRametrIc System Model)

N2O4/MMH Conical KV PRISM v1.1.7
by: Prymatt Conehead May 05, 2018
Mass Summary
System: N2O4/MMH Conical KV 110.316 lbm Total
NameMass UnitsType
ACS Engines + Mounts 1.333lbminert
Axial Engine 1.456lbminert
Center Helium Tank 1.433lbminert
Divert Engine 2.962lbminert
Divert Structure 5.288lbminert
Fuel Tank 6.099lbminert
Helium Tank 4.027lbminert
Manifold Block 1.309lbminert
Margin Mass 1.902lbminert
Misc. Wt 2.367lbminert
Oxidizer Tank 6.233lbminert
Payload Mass 21.670lbminert
Tubing 0.291lbminert
Helium Pressurant 0.758lbmpressurant
Monomethyl Hydrazine 19.764lbmpropellant
Nitrogen Tetroxide 33.423lbmpropellant

Design Variables (nominal values)
apexTankEllRatio 1.6Apex Tank Ellipse Ratio
Fdivert 202lbfDivert Thrust (lbf)
MR 1.68Engine Mixture Ratio
Pc 375psiaEngine Chamber Pressure (psia)
pcentACS 5%HLACS Percent of Total Impulse (%)
pcentBell 80%Percent Bell Nozzle Contour (%)
PHe 10000psiaHelium Tank Pressure (psia)
pressTankEllRatio 1.6Pressure Tank Ellipse Ratio
Wpayload 21.67lbmPayload Mass (lbm)
WtProp 48lbmUsable Divert Propellant Mass (lbm)
Design Variables (nominal values)
apexTankEllRatio 1.6Apex Tank Ellipse Ratio
Fdivert 202lbfDivert Thrust (lbf)
MR 1.68Engine Mixture Ratio
Pc 375psiaEngine Chamber Pressure (psia)
pcentACS 5%HLACS Percent of Total Impulse (%)
pcentBell 80%Percent Bell Nozzle Contour (%)
PHe 10000psiaHelium Tank Pressure (psia)
pressTankEllRatio 1.6Pressure Tank Ellipse Ratio
Wpayload 21.67lbmPayload Mass (lbm)
WtProp 48lbmUsable Divert Propellant Mass (lbm)
Design Variables (nominal values)
apexTankEllRatio 1.6Apex Tank Ellipse Ratio
Fdivert 202lbfDivert Thrust (lbf)
MR 1.68Engine Mixture Ratio
Pc 375psiaEngine Chamber Pressure (psia)
pcentACS 5%HLACS Percent of Total Impulse (%)
pcentBell 80%Percent Bell Nozzle Contour (%)
PHe 10000psiaHelium Tank Pressure (psia)
pressTankEllRatio 1.6Pressure Tank Ellipse Ratio
Wpayload 21.67lbmPayload Mass (lbm)
WtProp 48lbmUsable Divert Propellant Mass (lbm)
Design Variable Summary
Design Variables (nominal values)
apexTankEllRatio 1.6Apex Tank Ellipse Ratio
Fdivert 202lbfDivert Thrust (lbf)
MR 1.68Engine Mixture Ratio
Pc 375psiaEngine Chamber Pressure (psia)
pcentACS 5%HLACS Percent of Total Impulse (%)
pcentBell 80%Percent Bell Nozzle Contour (%)
PHe 10000psiaHelium Tank Pressure (psia)
pressTankEllRatio 1.6Pressure Tank Ellipse Ratio
Wpayload 21.67lbmPayload Mass (lbm)
WtProp 48lbmUsable Divert Propellant Mass (lbm)
Result Variables
AreaRatioAxial 27.5939 Axial Nozzle Area Ratio---
AreaRatioDivert 30 Divert Nozzle Area Ratio---
DACSMass 88.5821 lbmDACS Mass (lbm)<81
deltaV 5505.03 ft/secTotal Vacuum Delta V (ft/sec)---
deltaV_Axial 3853.03 ft/secAxial Vacuum Delta V (ft/sec)---
deltaV_Divert 1640.5 ft/secDivert Vacuum Delta V (ft/sec)---
deltaV_SI 1677.85 m/secTotal Vacuum Delta V (m/sec)---
deltaV_SI_Axial 1174.34 m/secAxial Vacuum Delta V (m/sec)---
deltaV_SI_Divert 500 m/secDivert Vacuum Delta V (m/sec)---
endGameGeesPhi45 4.58894 geesEnd Game Gees at phi=45 (gees)---
htBlock 2.72352 inHeight of IVA Block (in)---
Isp 291.652 secDivert Engine Specific Impulse (sec)---
IspAxial 290.784 secAxial Engine Specific Impulse (sec)---
Itot 13999.3 lbf-secTotal Impulse (lbf-sec)---
lcylOvDfuel 3.37648 Lcyl/Diam Fuel Tank---
lcylOvDox 3.37648 Lcyl/Diam Ox Tank---
LenEngineGoal 6.15614 inDivert Nozzle + Chamber Length (in)---
Lpackage 20.167 inTotal KV Length (in)---
Ptank 1000 psiaPropellant Tank Pressure (psia)---
sysMass 110.252 lbmPropulsion System Mass (lbm)---
tBurnAxial 26.4168 secTotal Axial Engine Burn Time (sec)---
Simple Equation Mass: ACS Engines + Mounts
mass = 1.333 lbm type = inert
HLACS and LLACS Engines
Calc Wt from Eqn : 1.333
Bipropellant Engine: Axial Engine
mass = 1.456 lbm type = inert
Propellants : N2O4 / MMH
NASA CEA Code for ODE performance
Physical Weight Model
Injector Material is Ti
Nozzle Material is Cb103
Bell Nozzle with Percent Bell = 80
Mass is for 2 engines total
==== INPUT ====
Fvac = 202 lbf
Pc = 375.0 psia
eps = 27.5939
%Bell = 80.00 %
mr = 1.68
CR = 2.5
xlnOverLcham = 0.9
LoverDt = 2
LchamMin = 1.400 in
cxwInj = 1
cxwValves = 1
cxw = 0.9
etaERE = 0.938069
==== OUTPUT ====
Isp = 290.784 sec
Cstar = 5383.4 ft/sec
etaBL = 0.982094
etaDiv = 0.991184
etaKin = 0.974304
etaNoz = 0.948423
effIsp = 0.889685
IspODE = 326.839 sec
CstarODE = 5738.9 ft/sec
Tc = 5656.9 degR
PcFace = 393.017 psia
Pexit = 1.11437 psia
wdotTot = 0.694675 lbm/sec
wdotOx = 0.435468 lbm/sec
wdotFl = 0.259207 lbm/sec
rhoFl = 0.0316 lbm/cuin
rhoOx = 0.0521 lbm/cuin
volDotOx = 8.36218 cuin/sec
volDotFl = 8.21194 cuin/sec
DFlow = 0.596 in
At = 0.30996 sqin
Dt = 0.628 in
Dcham = 0.993 in
Dexit = 3.300 in
Lcham = 1.400 in
xlc = 0.140 in
xln = 1.260 in
Lnoz = 3.988 in
Lengine = 6.382 in
rhoInj = 0.160 lbm/cuin
rhoNoz = 0.310 lbm/cuin
thkCham = 0.020 in
thkNoz = 0.020 in
WtNoz = 0.204 lbm
WtChamber = 0.023 lbm
WtInj = 0.149 lbm
WtAcoustic = 0.264 lbm
WtValves(2) = 0.090 lbm
WtMisc = 0.069 lbm
wt/Engine = 0.728 lbm
F/W = 277.434 lbf/lbm
Cylindrical/Spherical/Elliptical Tank: Center Helium Tank
mass = 1.433 lbm type = inert
Composite Tank Algorithm
kalmod = 0
==== INPUT ====
vfree = 68.9052 cuin
vfreeTotal = 68.9052 cuin
ell = 1.6
rcyltd = 1.82114
ptank = 10000 psia
sf = 2
cxw = 1.26807
ithcyl = 1
kacqui = 0 no acq. device
inpex = 0
expefi = 0.99
tblad = 0.030 in
tbond = 0.030 in
ttrspc = 0.010 in
rhobnd = 0.04 lbm/cuin
rhoacq = 0.28 lbm/cuin
tliner = 0.035 in
rholiner = 0.101 lbm/cuin
==== OUTPUT ====
rinsid = 1.707 in
dinsid = 3.414 in
OR = 1.900 in
OD = 3.800 in
OH = 8.787 in
hinsid = 8.352 in
SAinsid = 94.594 sqin
cyl = 6.218 in
wacqui = 0.000 lbm
vacqui = 0 cuin
dpacq = 0 psig
pullag = 10000 psia
vresid = 1.0424 cuin
vtank = 69.9476 cuin
tming = 0.008 in
thkcyl = 0.128 in
thkend = 0.153 in
thkBladOut = 0.030 in
wliner = 0.353 lbm
wtank(+liner) = 1.130 lbm
rho = 0.0637 lbm/cuin
PmeopVoverW = 488199 lbf-in/lbm
Pburst(est.) = 20000.0 psia
PburstVoverW = 976399 lbf-in/lbm
Bipropellant Engine: Divert Engine
mass = 2.962 lbm type = inert
Propellants : N2O4 / MMH
NASA CEA Code for ODE performance
Physical Weight Model
Injector Material is Ti
Nozzle Material is Cb103
Bell Nozzle with Percent Bell = 80
Mass is for 4 engines total
==== INPUT ====
Fvac = 202 lbf
Pc = 375.0 psia
eps = 30
%Bell = 80.00 %
mr = 1.68
CR = 2.5
xlnOverLcham = 0.9
LoverDt = 2
LchamMin = 1.400 in
cxwInj = 1
cxwValves = 1
cxw = 0.9
etaERE = 0.938069
==== OUTPUT ====
Isp = 291.652 sec
Cstar = 5383.4 ft/sec
etaBL = 0.981643
etaDiv = 0.991331
etaKin = 0.973923
etaNoz = 0.947758
effIsp = 0.889061
IspODE = 328.045 sec
CstarODE = 5738.9 ft/sec
Tc = 5656.9 degR
PcFace = 393.017 psia
Pexit = 0.997211 psia
wdotTot = 0.692606 lbm/sec
wdotOx = 0.434171 lbm/sec
wdotFl = 0.258435 lbm/sec
rhoFl = 0.0316 lbm/cuin
rhoOx = 0.0521 lbm/cuin
volDotOx = 8.33728 cuin/sec
volDotFl = 8.18749 cuin/sec
DFlow = 0.595 in
At = 0.309037 sqin
Dt = 0.627 in
Dcham = 0.992 in
Dexit = 3.436 in
Lcham = 1.400 in
xlc = 0.140 in
xln = 1.260 in
Lnoz = 4.193 in
Lengine = 6.584 in
rhoInj = 0.160 lbm/cuin
rhoNoz = 0.310 lbm/cuin
thkCham = 0.020 in
thkNoz = 0.020 in
WtNoz = 0.219 lbm
WtChamber = 0.023 lbm
WtInj = 0.148 lbm
WtAcoustic = 0.263 lbm
WtValves(2) = 0.090 lbm
WtMisc = 0.069 lbm
wt/Engine = 0.740 lbm
F/W = 272.819 lbf/lbm
Simple Equation Mass: Divert Structure
mass = 5.288 lbm type = inert
Divert Structure
Calc Wt from Eqn : 3.449 * (13.8/9.0)
Conical Tank with Elliptical Domes: Fuel Tank
mass = 6.099 lbm type = inert
Metal Tank Algorithm
Structural Material : Ti
Bladder Thickness is input at 0.030 in
kalmod = 0
Mass is for 2 Tanks total
==== INPUT ====
vfree = 322.762 cuin
vfreeTotal = 645.523 cuin
ell = 1.6
RbigOvrRsml = 1.68182
coneAngleDeg = 4.31 deg
ptank = 1000 psia
sf = 1.5
cxw = 1.25
ithcyl = 1
kacqui = 1 transverse collapsing Alum. bladder
inpex = 0
expefi = 0.99
tblad = 0.030 in
tbond = 0.030 in
ttrspc = 0.010 in
rhobnd = 0.04 lbm/cuin
rhoacq = 0.28 lbm/cuin
tliner = 0.000 in
rholiner = 0.1 lbm/cuin
==== OUTPUT ====
IRbig = 2.947 in
IDbig = 5.893 in
IRsmall = 1.752 in
IDsmall = 3.504 in
OR = 3.007 in
OD = 6.014 in
OH = 19.011 in
IHtotal = 18.891 in
SAinsid = 304.013 sqin
Hcone = 15.864 in
wacqui = 0.875 lbm
vacqui = 8.7542 cuin
dpacq = 76.8119 psig
pullag = 1076.81 psia
vresid = 5.34394 cuin
Vcone = 280.369 cuin
vtank = 336.86 cuin
tming = 0.030 in
thkcyl = 0.031 in
thkend = 0.030 in (use tming)
thkBladOut = 0.030 in
wtank = 1.564 lbm
rho = 0.16 lbm/cuin
sy = 118663 psi
e = 1.5e+07 psi
PmeopVoverW = 110463 lbf-in/lbm
Pburst(est.) = 1500.0 psia
PburstVoverW = 165694 lbf-in/lbm
Cylindrical/Spherical/Elliptical Tank: Helium Tank
mass = 4.027 lbm type = inert
Composite Tank Algorithm
kalmod = 0
Mass is for 4 Tanks total
==== INPUT ====
vfree = 45.9368 cuin
vfreeTotal = 183.747 cuin
ell = 1.6
rcyltd = 2.26586
ptank = 10000 psia
sf = 2
cxw = 1.26807
ithcyl = 1
kacqui = 0 no acq. device
inpex = 0
expefi = 0.99
tblad = 0.030 in
tbond = 0.030 in
ttrspc = 0.010 in
rhobnd = 0.04 lbm/cuin
rhoacq = 0.28 lbm/cuin
tliner = 0.035 in
rholiner = 0.101 lbm/cuin
==== OUTPUT ====
rinsid = 1.404 in
dinsid = 2.808 in
OR = 1.574 in
OD = 3.149 in
OH = 8.500 in
hinsid = 8.119 in
SAinsid = 75.021 sqin
cyl = 6.363 in
wacqui = 0.000 lbm
vacqui = 0 cuin
dpacq = 0 psig
pullag = 10000 psia
vresid = 0.727713 cuin
vtank = 46.6645 cuin
tming = 0.008 in
thkcyl = 0.105 in
thkend = 0.126 in
thkBladOut = 0.030 in
wliner = 0.279 lbm
wtank(+liner) = 0.794 lbm
rho = 0.0637 lbm/cuin
PmeopVoverW = 463570 lbf-in/lbm
Pburst(est.) = 20000.0 psia
PburstVoverW = 927140 lbf-in/lbm
Simple Equation Mass: Manifold Block
mass = 1.309 lbm type = inert
Manifold Block
Calc Wt from Eqn : 2.72352 * 2.45117**2 * 0.16 / 2.0
Simple Equation Mass: Margin Mass
mass = 1.899 lbm type = inert
Margin Mass
Calc Wt from Eqn : 0.058*32.7371
Miscellaneous Mass Items: Misc. Wt
mass = 2.367 lbm type = inert
All items are of type: inert
==== INPUT ====
===SORT ORDER=== = Alphabetical
Electronics & Harnesses = 0.438 lbm
He Controls (pyro, reg, etc.) = 1.659 lbm
Ox and Fuel Burst Disks = 0.110 lbm
Ox and Fuel Service Valves = 0.120 lbm
Pressure Transducers = 0.040 lbm
==== OUTPUT ====
===SORT ORDER=== = Mass
He Controls (pyro, reg, etc.) = 1.659 lbm
Electronics & Harnesses = 0.438 lbm
Ox and Fuel Service Valves = 0.120 lbm
Ox and Fuel Burst Disks = 0.110 lbm
Pressure Transducers = 0.040 lbm
Conical Tank with Elliptical Domes: Oxidizer Tank
mass = 6.233 lbm type = inert
Metal Tank Algorithm
Structural Material : Ti
Bladder Thickness is input at 0.030 in
kalmod = 0
Mass is for 2 Tanks total
==== INPUT ====
vfree = 330.837 cuin
vfreeTotal = 661.674 cuin
ell = 1.6
RbigOvrRsml = 1.68182
coneAngleDeg = 4.31 deg
ptank = 1000 psia
sf = 1.5
cxw = 1.25
ithcyl = 1
kacqui = 1 transverse collapsing Alum. bladder
inpex = 0
expefi = 0.99
tblad = 0.030 in
tbond = 0.030 in
ttrspc = 0.010 in
rhobnd = 0.04 lbm/cuin
rhoacq = 0.28 lbm/cuin
tliner = 0.000 in
rholiner = 0.1 lbm/cuin
==== OUTPUT ====
IRbig = 2.971 in
IDbig = 5.942 in
IRsmall = 1.766 in
IDsmall = 3.533 in
OR = 3.032 in
OD = 6.063 in
OH = 19.167 in
IHtotal = 19.047 in
SAinsid = 309.027 sqin
Hcone = 15.996 in
wacqui = 0.890 lbm
vacqui = 8.90053 cuin
dpacq = 76.5581 psig
pullag = 1076.56 psia
vresid = 5.49012 cuin
Vcone = 287.384 cuin
vtank = 345.227 cuin
tming = 0.030 in
thkcyl = 0.031 in
thkend = 0.030 in (use tming)
thkBladOut = 0.030 in
wtank = 1.603 lbm
rho = 0.16 lbm/cuin
sy = 118663 psi
e = 1.5e+07 psi
PmeopVoverW = 110778 lbf-in/lbm
Pburst(est.) = 1500.0 psia
PburstVoverW = 166167 lbf-in/lbm
Simple Equation Mass: Payload Mass
mass = 21.670 lbm type = inert
Payload Mass
Calc Wt from Eqn : 21.67
Simple Equation Mass: Tubing
mass = 0.230 lbm type = inert
Tubing for Ox, Fuel and He
Calc Wt from Eqn : 0.19 * (13.8 + 20.167) / (10.0 + 18.0)
Helium Pressurant: Helium Pressurant
mass = 0.758 lbm type = pressurant
Polytropic Heat Transfer
Heated Helium (Heat Exchanger between source and tank
==== INPUT ====
VpropTnk = 1346.41 cuin
PHeTnk = 10000 psia
PpropNom = 1000 psia
PfinHeOvPnom = 1
tAction = 100 sec
TminR = 510.0 degR
TmaxR = 550.0 degR
tPolyCorr = 200 sec
gamPolyCorr = 1.2
gamLimPolyCorr = 1.18
THeTnkHX = 450.0 degR
==== OUTPUT ====
WHeTotal = 0.758 lbm
WtHeResid = 0.137 lbm
WHeExpended = 0.622 lbm
volHeTotal = 252.653 cuin
wdotHe = 0.00621686 lbm/sec
compressInit = 1.31036
PinitCold = 9290.86 psia
densInitBot = 5.18647 lbm/cuft
densFinalBot = 0.93457 lbm/cuft
densFinalProp = 0.797878 lbm/cuft
gammaPoly = 1.15
TfinalPropHe = 450.0 degR
TfinalHeBot = 381.3 degR
PfinalHeBot = 1000.0 psia
Incompressible Liquid: Monomethyl Hydrazine
mass = 19.764 lbm type = propellant
MMH Properties Calculated by Method of Corresponding States
==== INPUT ====
T = 530.0 degR
P = 14.7 psia
Tref = 530.0 degR
Tnbp = 650.0 degR
Tcrit = 1053.0 degR
Pref = 14.7 psia
Pcrit = 1195.0 psia
WtMol = 46.07
RhoRef = 0.0315646 lb/cuin
ViscRefFT = 0.0005304 lb/ft-sec
CondRefFTHR = 0.143294 BTU/ft-hr-R
CpRef = 0.7 BTU/lbm degR
Burned Divert = 17.910 lbm
Burned RCS = 1.750 lbm
Residual = 0.104 lbm
==== OUTPUT ====
D = 54.544 lbm/cuft
rho = 0.0315646 lbm/cuin (0.873706 SG)
Cp = 0.7 BTU/lbm degR
Visc = 53.04 [1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec]
Cond = 0.143294 BTU/ft-hr-R
SurfTen = 0.0001932 lbf/in
phase = LIQUID
Pvap = 0.875502 psia
Vcuft = 0.36236 cuft
Volume = 626.158 cuin
Incompressible Liquid: Nitrogen Tetroxide
mass = 33.423 lbm type = propellant
N2O4 Properties Calculated by Method of Corresponding States
==== INPUT ====
T = 530.0 degR
P = 20.0 psia
Tref = 530.0 degR
Tnbp = 529.8 degR
Tcrit = 776.5 degR
Pref = 14.7 psia
Pcrit = 1440.0 psia
WtMol = 92.016
RhoRef = 0.0520758 lb/cuin
ViscRefFT = 0.0002664 lb/ft-sec
CondRefFTHR = 0.0759456 BTU/ft-hr-R
CpRef = 0.378 BTU/lbm degR
Burned Divert = 30.090 lbm
Burned RCS = 1.750 lbm
Residual = 1.584 lbm
==== OUTPUT ====
D = 89.987 lbm/cuft
rho = 0.0520758 lbm/cuin (1.44145 SG)
Cp = 0.378 BTU/lbm degR
Visc = 26.64 [1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec]
Cond = 0.0759456 BTU/ft-hr-R
SurfTen = 0.0001433 lbf/in
phase = LIQUID
Pvap = 14.7864 psia
Vcuft = 0.371426 cuft
Volume = 641.823 cuin

(PRISM) PaRametrIc System Model
PRISM v1.1.7
contact: C. Taylor,