PRISM (PaRametrIc System Model)

NTO/MMH He, PMD, Cb PRISM v1.1.7
by: N. Orbit May 05, 2018
Mass Summary
System: NTO/MMH He, PMD, Cb 822.464 lbm Total
NameMass UnitsType
Axial Engine 8.777lbminert
Axial Engine Fuel Line 1.257lbminert
Axial Engine Ox Line 1.292lbminert
Fuel Tank 19.309lbminert
Helium Tank 22.661lbminert
Oxidizer Tank 20.001lbminert
SMX misc. 18.410lbminert
Stage External Shell 19.994lbminert
pressurant helium 3.692lbmpressurant
Monomethyl Hydrazine 257.117lbmpropellant
Nitrogen Tetroxide 449.954lbmpropellant

Design Variables (nominal values)
eps 40Axial Nozzle Area Ratio
Ltanks 34.5inTank Length (in)
MR 1.75Engine Mixture Ratio
Pc 250psiaEngine Chamber Pressure (psia)
pcentBell 80Nozzle Percent Bell
PHe 10000psiaHelium Tank Pressure (psia)
WtPropAxial 700lbmUsable Propellant (lbm)
Design Variables (nominal values)
eps 40Axial Nozzle Area Ratio
Ltanks 34.5inTank Length (in)
MR 1.75Engine Mixture Ratio
Pc 250psiaEngine Chamber Pressure (psia)
pcentBell 80Nozzle Percent Bell
PHe 10000psiaHelium Tank Pressure (psia)
WtPropAxial 700lbmUsable Propellant (lbm)
Design Variable Summary
Design Variables (nominal values)
eps 40Axial Nozzle Area Ratio
Ltanks 34.5inTank Length (in)
MR 1.75Engine Mixture Ratio
Pc 250psiaEngine Chamber Pressure (psia)
pcentBell 80Nozzle Percent Bell
PHe 10000psiaHelium Tank Pressure (psia)
WtPropAxial 700lbmUsable Propellant (lbm)
Result Variables
burnTime 393.896 secTotal Burn Time (sec)---
DiamPkg 32.9767 inPackaged Diameter (in)<33
geesBO 3.79666 geesBurnout Gees (gees)---
Isp 303.863 secEngine Specific Impulse (sec)---
Itot 212704 lbf-secTotal Impulse (lbf-sec)---
Lengine 10.4252 inAxial Engine Length (in)---
LenPkg 36 inPackaged Length (in)<36
massFrac 0.859943 Stage Propellant Mass Fraction---
massFracUsable 0.851343 Usable Propellant Mass Fraction---
sysMass 822.23 lbmTotal System Mass (lbm)---
Winert 111.468 lbmSystem Inert Mass (lbm)---
WpropTotal 707.071 lbmTotal Propellant Mass (lbm)---
Bipropellant Engine: Axial Engine
mass = 8.777 lbm type = inert
Propellants : N2O4 / MMH
NASA CEA Code for ODE performance
Physical Weight Model
Injector Material is SS
Nozzle Material is Cb103
Bell Nozzle with Percent Bell = 80
Mass is for 2 engines total
==== INPUT ====
Fvac = 270 lbf
Pc = 250.0 psia
eps = 40
%Bell = 80.00 %
mr = 1.75
CR = 2.5
xlnOverLcham = 0.5
LoverDt = 2
LchamMin = 2.000 in
cxwInj = 1
cxwValves = 1
cxw = 1.27
etaERE = 0.97
==== OUTPUT ====
Isp = 303.863 sec
Cstar = 5557.0 ft/sec
etaBL = 0.979854
etaDiv = 0.991821
etaKin = 0.966689
etaNoz = 0.939467
effIsp = 0.911283
IspODE = 333.445 sec
CstarODE = 5728.9 ft/sec
Tc = 5667.2 degR
PcFace = 262.011 psia
Pexit = 0.467376 psia
wdotTot = 0.888559 lbm/sec
wdotOx = 0.565446 lbm/sec
wdotFl = 0.323112 lbm/sec
rhoFl = 0.0316 lbm/cuin
rhoOx = 0.0521 lbm/cuin
volDotOx = 10.8581 cuin/sec
volDotFl = 10.2365 cuin/sec
DFlow = 0.679 in
At = 0.613879 sqin
Dt = 0.884 in
Dcham = 1.398 in
Dexit = 5.591 in
Lcham = 2.000 in
xlc = 1.000 in
xln = 1.000 in
Lnoz = 7.027 in
Lengine = 10.425 in
rhoInj = 0.280 lbm/cuin
rhoNoz = 0.310 lbm/cuin
thkCham = 0.020 in
thkNoz = 0.020 in
WtNoz = 0.567 lbm
WtChamber = 0.050 lbm
WtInj = 0.727 lbm
WtAcoustic = 0.534 lbm
WtValves(2) = 1.889 lbm
WtMisc = 0.090 lbm
wt/Engine = 4.388 lbm
F/W = 61.526 lbf/lbm

Solenoid Valve: biprop valves
mass = 1.889 lbm type = inert
Based on Solenoid Valve Experience
Mass is for 2 valves total
==== INPUT ====
cuInchPerSec = 10.8581 cuin/sec
cxw = 1.000
==== OUTPUT ====
basemass = 0.945 lbm
Liquid Line: Axial Engine Fuel Line
mass = 1.257 lbm type = inert
fluid : MMH
Structural Material : Ti
Allow Non-Standard wall thickness
Mass is for 2 lines total
==== INPUT ====
wdot = 0.646225 lbm/sec
velFPS = 10 ft/sec
len_inches = 24 in
Kfactors = 10 vel heads
roughness = 5e-06 in
thkInp = 0 in
pLine = 439.234 psia
sf = 4
cxw = 3.5
# Lines = 2
==== OUTPUT ====
dpLine = 6.55 psig
ReNum = 3.994068E+04
thkLine = 0.030 in
rinsid = 0.233 in
dinsid = 0.466 in
doutside = 0.526 in
volLine = 4.09461 cuin
rho = 0.16 lbm/cuin
sy = 119000 psi
tming = 0.030 in
fluid rho = 0.0315646 lbm/cuin
fluid visc = 53.04 1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec
wt/Line = 0.628 lbm
Liquid Line: Axial Engine Ox Line
mass = 1.292 lbm type = inert
fluid : N2O4
Structural Material : Ti
Allow Non-Standard wall thickness
Mass is for 2 lines total
==== INPUT ====
wdot = 1.13089 lbm/sec
velFPS = 10 ft/sec
len_inches = 24 in
Kfactors = 10 vel heads
roughness = 5e-06 in
thkInp = 0 in
pLine = 439.234 psia
sf = 4
cxw = 3.5
# Lines = 2
==== OUTPUT ====
dpLine = 10.52 psig
ReNum = 1.351206E+05
thkLine = 0.030 in
rinsid = 0.240 in
dinsid = 0.480 in
doutside = 0.540 in
volLine = 4.34325 cuin
rho = 0.16 lbm/cuin
sy = 119000 psi
tming = 0.030 in
fluid rho = 0.0520758 lbm/cuin
fluid visc = 26.64 1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec
wt/Line = 0.646 lbm
Cylindrical/Spherical/Elliptical Tank: Fuel Tank
mass = 19.309 lbm type = inert
Composite Tank Algorithm
kalmod = 0
Mass is for 2 Tanks total
==== INPUT ====
vfree = 4198.82 cuin
vfreeTotal = 8397.65 cuin
ell = 1.764
rcyltd = 2.07225
ptank = 439.234 psia
sf = 1.5
cxw = 1.32
ithcyl = 1
kacqui = 6 capillary device
inpex = 1
expefi = 0.98
tblad = 0.000 in
tbond = 0.000 in
ttrspc = 0.000 in
rhobnd = 0.04 lbm/cuin
rhoacq = 0.098 lbm/cuin
tliner = 0.030 in
rholiner = 0.098 lbm/cuin
==== OUTPUT ====
rinsid = 6.536 in
dinsid = 13.072 in
OR = 6.579 in
OD = 13.159 in
OH = 34.587 in
hinsid = 34.500 in
SAinsid = 1503.305 sqin
cyl = 27.089 in
wacqui = 1.577 lbm
vacqui = 16.0902 cuin
dpacq = 0 psig
pullag = 439.234 psia
vresid = 83.9765 cuin
vtank = 4298.89 cuin
tming = 0.035 in
thkcyl = 0.013 in (use tming)
thkend = 0.014 in (use tming)
thkBladOut = 0.000 in
wliner = 4.584 lbm
wtank(+liner) = 5.737 lbm
rho = 0.0637 lbm/cuin
PmeopVoverW = 195580 lbf-in/lbm
Pburst(est.) = 2104.4 psia
PburstVoverW = 937048 lbf-in/lbm
Cylindrical/Spherical/Elliptical Tank: Helium Tank
mass = 22.429 lbm type = inert
Composite Tank Algorithm
kalmod = 0
Mass is for 2 Tanks total
==== INPUT ====
vfree = 614.956 cuin
vfreeTotal = 1229.91 cuin
ell = 1.764
rcyltd = 6.5381
ptank = 10000 psia
sf = 2
cxw = 1.1
ithcyl = 1
kacqui = 0 no acq. device
inpex = 0
expefi = 0.99
tblad = 0.030 in
tbond = 0.030 in
ttrspc = 0.010 in
rhobnd = 0.04 lbm/cuin
rhoacq = 0.28 lbm/cuin
tliner = 0.065 in
rholiner = 0.101 lbm/cuin
==== OUTPUT ====
rinsid = 2.428 in
dinsid = 4.856 in
OR = 2.705 in
OD = 5.410 in
OH = 35.125 in
hinsid = 34.500 in
SAinsid = 538.218 sqin
cyl = 31.747 in
wacqui = 0.000 lbm
vacqui = 0 cuin
dpacq = 0 psig
pullag = 10000 psia
vresid = 6.93404 cuin
vtank = 621.89 cuin
tming = 0.008 in
thkcyl = 0.182 in
thkend = 0.217 in
thkBladOut = 0.030 in
wliner = 3.636 lbm
wtank(+liner) = 10.195 lbm
rho = 0.0637 lbm/cuin
PmeopVoverW = 554544 lbf-in/lbm
Pburst(est.) = 20000.0 psia
PburstVoverW = 1.10909e+06 lbf-in/lbm
Cylindrical/Spherical/Elliptical Tank: Oxidizer Tank
mass = 20.000 lbm type = inert
Composite Tank Algorithm
kalmod = 0
Mass is for 2 Tanks total
==== INPUT ====
vfree = 4453.8 cuin
vfreeTotal = 8907.59 cuin
ell = 1.764
rcyltd = 1.99269
ptank = 439.234 psia
sf = 1.5
cxw = 1.32
ithcyl = 1
kacqui = 6 capillary device
inpex = 1
expefi = 0.98
tblad = 0.000 in
tbond = 0.000 in
ttrspc = 0.000 in
rhobnd = 0.04 lbm/cuin
rhoacq = 0.098 lbm/cuin
tliner = 0.030 in
rholiner = 0.098 lbm/cuin
==== OUTPUT ====
rinsid = 6.739 in
dinsid = 13.479 in
OR = 6.783 in
OD = 13.566 in
OH = 34.588 in
hinsid = 34.500 in
SAinsid = 1552.802 sqin
cyl = 26.859 in
wacqui = 1.613 lbm
vacqui = 16.4552 cuin
dpacq = 0 psig
pullag = 439.234 psia
vresid = 89.0759 cuin
vtank = 4559.33 cuin
tming = 0.035 in
thkcyl = 0.014 in (use tming)
thkend = 0.014 in (use tming)
thkBladOut = 0.000 in
wliner = 4.739 lbm
wtank(+liner) = 5.963 lbm
rho = 0.0637 lbm/cuin
PmeopVoverW = 200259 lbf-in/lbm
Pburst(est.) = 2041.0 psia
PburstVoverW = 930544 lbf-in/lbm
Miscellaneous Mass Items: SMX misc.
mass = 18.410 lbm type = inert
All items are of type: inert
==== INPUT ====
===SORT ORDER=== = Alphabetical
Axial Engine Insulation = 1.000 lbm
Axial Install = 0.450 lbm
Axial Transducer = 0.140 lbm
Cap, Weld - F&D Valves = 0.050 lbm
Connector, Mech. Sep. = 0.100 lbm
Electrical Cable Install = 2.000 lbm
Electrical Install = 1.000 lbm
Fuel Tank bracket, spacer, sensor = 2.000 lbm
Fuel Tank Gas Inlet Assembly = 1.000 lbm
Fuel Tank Outlet Assembly = 1.000 lbm
Gas Valves (Reg, F&D, Iso, Relief, P Switch) = 3.000 lbm
GSA Install = 0.240 lbm
GSA Mount & Assembly = 2.000 lbm
Ox Tank bracket, spacer, sensor = 2.000 lbm
Ox Tank Gas Inlet Assembly = 1.000 lbm
Ox Tank Outlet Assembly = 1.000 lbm
PSA Install = 0.340 lbm
Squib, Electrical Sep. = 0.090 lbm
==== OUTPUT ====
===SORT ORDER=== = Mass
Gas Valves (Reg, F&D, Iso, Relief, P Switch) = 3.000 lbm
Electrical Cable Install = 2.000 lbm
Fuel Tank bracket, spacer, sensor = 2.000 lbm
GSA Mount & Assembly = 2.000 lbm
Ox Tank bracket, spacer, sensor = 2.000 lbm
Axial Engine Insulation = 1.000 lbm
Electrical Install = 1.000 lbm
Fuel Tank Gas Inlet Assembly = 1.000 lbm
Fuel Tank Outlet Assembly = 1.000 lbm
Ox Tank Gas Inlet Assembly = 1.000 lbm
Ox Tank Outlet Assembly = 1.000 lbm
Axial Install = 0.450 lbm
PSA Install = 0.340 lbm
GSA Install = 0.240 lbm
Axial Transducer = 0.140 lbm
Connector, Mech. Sep. = 0.100 lbm
Squib, Electrical Sep. = 0.090 lbm
Cap, Weld - F&D Valves = 0.050 lbm
Shell Structure: Stage External Shell
mass = 19.994 lbm type = inert
Structural Material : grEpox
Flange Material : Al
Total Mass includes two (2) flanges
==== INPUT ====
OD = 33.000 in
Length = 36.000 in
thkShell = 0.080 in
thkFlange = 0.100 in
widthFlange = 0.500 in
cxw = 1.000
==== OUTPUT ====
rho Shell = 0.0637 lbm/cuin
rho Flange = 0.1 lbm/cuin
ID = 32.840 in
flangeID = 32.000 in
shellVolume = 297.853 cuin
flangeVolume = 5.10509 cuin
shellMass = 18.973 lbm
flangeMass = 0.511 lbm
Helium Pressurant: pressurant helium
mass = 3.692 lbm type = pressurant
Calibrated Polytropic Heat Transfer
Final Helium Temperatures Calibrated with High Fidelity Analysis
==== INPUT ====
VpropTnk = 17305.2 cuin
PHeTnk = 10000 psia
PpropNom = 439.234 psia
PfinHeOvPnom = 1.1
tAction = 393.896 sec
TminR = 510.0 degR
TmaxR = 550.0 degR
gammaPolyCalibrated = 1.18607
THeCalibrated = 489.3 degR
==== OUTPUT ====
WHeTotal = 3.692 lbm
WtHeResid = 0.389 lbm
WHeExpended = 3.302 lbm
volHeTotal = 1229.91 cuin
wdotHe = 0.00838343 lbm/sec
compressInit = 1.31036
PinitCold = 9290.86 psia
densInitBot = 5.18647 lbm/cuft
densFinalBot = 0.547025 lbm/cuft
densFinalProp = 0.329739 lbm/cuft
gammaPoly = 1.18607
TfinalPropHe = 489.3 degR
TfinalHeBot = 320.7 degR
PfinalHeBot = 483.2 psia
Incompressible Liquid: Monomethyl Hydrazine
mass = 257.117 lbm type = propellant
MMH Properties Calculated by Method of Corresponding States
==== INPUT ====
T = 530.0 degR
P = 14.7 psia
Tref = 530.0 degR
Tnbp = 650.0 degR
Tcrit = 1053.0 degR
Pref = 14.7 psia
Pcrit = 1195.0 psia
WtMol = 46.07
RhoRef = 0.0315646 lb/cuin
ViscRefFT = 0.0005304 lb/ft-sec
CondRefFTHR = 0.143294 BTU/ft-hr-R
CpRef = 0.7 BTU/lbm degR
Burned Axial = 254.545 lbm
Residual = 2.571 lbm
==== OUTPUT ====
D = 54.544 lbm/cuft
rho = 0.0315646 lbm/cuin (0.873706 SG)
Cp = 0.7 BTU/lbm degR
Visc = 53.04 [1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec]
Cond = 0.143294 BTU/ft-hr-R
SurfTen = 0.0001932 lbf/in
phase = LIQUID
Pvap = 0.875502 psia
Vcuft = 4.71396 cuft
Volume = 8145.72 cuin
Incompressible Liquid: Nitrogen Tetroxide
mass = 449.954 lbm type = propellant
N2O4 Properties Calculated by Method of Corresponding States
==== INPUT ====
T = 530.0 degR
P = 20.0 psia
Tref = 530.0 degR
Tnbp = 529.8 degR
Tcrit = 776.5 degR
Pref = 14.7 psia
Pcrit = 1440.0 psia
WtMol = 92.016
RhoRef = 0.0520758 lb/cuin
ViscRefFT = 0.0002664 lb/ft-sec
CondRefFTHR = 0.0759456 BTU/ft-hr-R
CpRef = 0.378 BTU/lbm degR
Burned Axial = 445.455 lbm
Residual = 4.500 lbm
==== OUTPUT ====
D = 89.987 lbm/cuft
rho = 0.0520758 lbm/cuin (1.44145 SG)
Cp = 0.378 BTU/lbm degR
Visc = 26.64 [1.0E5 * lb/ft-sec]
Cond = 0.0759456 BTU/ft-hr-R
SurfTen = 0.0001433 lbf/in
phase = LIQUID
Pvap = 14.7864 psia
Vcuft = 5.00021 cuft
Volume = 8640.36 cuin

(PRISM) PaRametrIc System Model
PRISM v1.1.7
contact: C. Taylor,