from math import *
from prism import *
# create system object (make sure author is correct... it's used for report)
S = SysModel(name="Pump model exercise", type="analysis",
author="H.P. Shaft")
# set design constants from common Constants values
gc = 32.174 # gravitational conversion factor
# add design variables to the system (these variables may be used to
# optimize the system or to create plots)
# design vars have:
# name, value, minVal, maxVal, step, units, description
["wdot",1.0, 0.5, 3.0, 0.1, 'lbm/sec', 'Pump Flow Rate'],
["deltaP",200.0,100.0,500.0,20.0,'psid', 'Pump Pressure Rise'],
["rpm",10000.0,10000.0, 50000.0, 2000.0, 'rpm', "Pump Speed"]
# now add any Result Variables That might be plotted
# result variables have:
# name, units, description
["sysMass", "lbm", "Total System Mass"],
["effCalc", "", "Pump Efficiency"],
["effInp", "", "Assumed Pump Efficiency"],
["hp", "", "Pump Horsepower"]
# set Feasible Variables
S.addFeasibleVariable( name="effError",
feasibleVal=0.0 ,
units='', desc='Pump Efficiency Error',
controlVar="eff", cvMinVal=0.01, cvMaxVal=1.0,
cvUnits='', cvDesc='Pump Assumed Efficiency')
myPump = Pump(name="Fuel Pump", fluName="MMH", mass_lbm=0.0, pStages=2)
#===== after they have been created, add the Mass Items to the system object ====
S.addMassItem( [myPump] )
# the following control routine ties together the system components
# with the system design variables
def myControlRoutine(S):
# get current values of design variables
wdot,deltaP,eff,rpm = S("wdot","deltaP","eff","rpm")
myPump.eff = eff
myPump.rpm = rpm
myPump.wdot = wdot
myPump.deltaP = deltaP
S["sysMass"] = S.mass_lbm
S["effError"] = eff - myPump.effCalc
S["effCalc"] = myPump.effCalc
S["effInp"] = eff
# need to tell system the name of the control routine
makeSensitivityPlot(S,figureOfMerit="effCalc", desVars=["wdot","deltaP","eff","rpm"])
make2DPlot(S, sysParam="effCalc", desVar="deltaP")
make2DPlot(S, sysParam="effCalc", desVar="rpm")
if 1:
makeContourPlot(S, sysParam="effCalc", desVars=["wdot","deltaP"])
makeContourPlot(S, sysParam="effCalc", desVars=["wdot","rpm"])
makeContourPlot(S, sysParam="effCalc", desVars=["deltaP","rpm"])
make2DParametricPlot(S, sysParam="effCalc", desVar="deltaP", dpi=100,
paramVar=["rpm",10000, 20000, 30000])
# now save summary of system
# Be sure to wrap-up any files