from math import *
from prism import *
# create system object (make sure author is correct... it's used for report)
S = SysModel(name="Neutral Grain", type="solid gg",
author="Finney Burns", programName="Grain Analysis")
# add design variables to the system (these variables may be used to
# optimize the system or to create plots)
# design vars have:
# name, value, minVal, maxVal, step, units, description
['OR',6,5,15,1,'in','Outside Radius'],
['web',2,2,4,0.2,'in','Web thickness'],
['pcentBurned',0,0,100,5,'%','Percent Burned'],
# now add any Result Variables That might be plotted
# "sysMass" is required
# result variables have:
# name, units, description
['Height','in','Grain Height'],
['SA','sqin','Grain Surface Area'],
['sysMass','lbm','Total System Mass'],
# the following control routine ties together the system components
# with the system design variables
def myControlRoutine(S):
# get current values of design variables
OR,web,pcentBurned = S("OR","web","pcentBurned")
Height = 4.0 * OR #- web
wBurned = pcentBurned*web/100.0
h = Height - wBurned*2.0
r = OR - web + wBurned
SA = 2.0*pi*r*h + 2.0*pi*(OR**2 - r**2)
# "sysMass" is required
S["sysMass"] = S.mass_lbm
S["Height"] = Height
S["SA"] = SA
# need to tell system the name of the control routine
make2DParametricPlot(S, sysParam="SA", desVar="pcentBurned",
paramVar=["web",1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5] ,makeHTML=1, dpi=70, linewidth=2,
ptData=None, ptLegend='', logX=0, logY=0)
make2DParametricPlot(S, sysParam="SA", desVar="pcentBurned",
paramVar=["web",1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0] ,makeHTML=1, dpi=70, linewidth=2,
ptData=None, ptLegend='', logX=0, logY=0)
# now save summary of system
# Be sure to wrap-up any files