from prism import *
from prism.isp import off_mr
S = SysModel(name="Engine Pc/MR Study", type="analysis",
author="O.F. Design")
# set design constants from common Constants values
# add design variables to the system (these variables may be used to
# optimize the system or to create plots)
# design vars have:
# name, value, minVal, maxVal, step, units, description
["PengInOx",277.7, 250.0, 350.0, 5.0, 'psia', 'Ox Engine Inlet Pressure'],
["PengInFuel",286.0, 250.0, 350.0, 5.0, 'psia', 'Fuel Engine Inlet Pressure'],
# now add any Result Variables That might be plotted
# result variables have:
# name, units, description
["sysMass", "lbm", "Total System Mass"],
["Pc", "psia", "Chamber Pressure"],
["MR", "", "Mixture Ratio"],
["Fvac", "lbf", "Vacuum Thrust"],
RefEng = off_mr.RefEngine()
# the following control routine ties together the system components
# with the system design variables
def myControlRoutine(S):
# get current values of design variables
PengInOx,PengInFuel = S("PengInOx","PengInFuel")
Pc,MR = RefEng.solvePcMR_GivenPfeed(PengInOx,PengInFuel)
Fvac = RefEng.calcThrustForPcMR( Pc, MR)
S["sysMass"] = S.mass_lbm
S["Pc"] = Pc
S["MR"] = MR
S["Fvac"] = Fvac
# need to tell system the name of the control routine
#make2DPlot(S, sysParam="Pc", desVar="PengInOx")
dpi = 100
make2DParametricPlot(S, sysParam="MR", desVar="PengInOx",
paramVar=["PengInFuel",250.0,275.0,300.0,325.,350.] ,makeHTML=1, dpi=dpi,
ptData=[[277.7],[1.85]], ptLegend='Design Point', logX=0, logY=0)
make2DParametricPlot(S, sysParam="Pc", desVar="PengInOx",
paramVar=["PengInFuel",250.0,275.0,300.0,325.,350.] ,makeHTML=1, dpi=dpi,
ptData=[[277.7,277.7],[150.,150.]], ptLegend='Design Point', logX=0, logY=0)
make2DParametricPlot(S, sysParam="Fvac", desVar="PengInOx",
paramVar=["PengInFuel",250.0,275.0,300.0,325.,350.] ,makeHTML=1, dpi=dpi,
ptData=[[277.7,277.7],[7500.,7500.]], ptLegend='Design Point', logX=0, logY=0)
makeContourPlot(S, sysParam="MR", desVars=["PengInOx","PengInFuel"], interval=0.05, dpi=dpi)
makeContourPlot(S, sysParam="Pc", desVars=["PengInOx","PengInFuel"], interval=2.0, dpi=dpi)
makeContourPlot(S, sysParam="Fvac", desVars=["PengInOx","PengInFuel"], dpi=dpi)
# now save summary of system
# Be sure to wrap-up any files