from prism import *
from math import *
markdown_desc = """
This example is taken from the [ParaSol]( program's
[Example #3](
The purpose of this example is to maximize the volume of an open topped box starting with a rectangle of cardboard measuring (10 x 20).
There is a constraint on the optimization, however, that the final resulting open topped box cannto exceed an L/W of 2.4.
The image below shows the basic cardboard shape, after the (h x h) squares have been removed from all four corners of the original rectangle.
<img src="./box.jpg" width="100" />
# create system object (make sure author is correct... it's used for report)
S = SysModel(name="Box Design", type="misc",
author="C.N. Tainer", programName="Simple Optimization",
# add design variables to the system (these variables may be used to
# optimize the system or to create plots)
# design vars have:
# name, value, minVal, maxVal, step, units, description
['Lmatl',20,10,30,1,'in','Length of Material'],
['Wmatl',10,8,12,0.2,'in','Width of Material'],
['hbox',1,0.2,3.8,0.18,'in','Height of Box'],
# now add any Result Variables That might be plotted
# result variables have:
# name, units, description
['Volume','cuin','Box Volume'],
['boxMass','lbm','Box Mass'],
['LoverW','','Box L/W Ratio', '<', 2.4], # constrain L/W
SimpleEqnMass_1 = SimpleEqnMass(name="Simple Mass", type="inert", mass_lbm=0.0, eqn="1.2*1.1", desc='mass = simple eqn')
#===== after they have been created, add the Mass Items to the system object ====
S.addMassItem( SimpleEqnMass_1 )
# the following control routine ties together the system components
# with the system design variables
def myControlRoutine(S):
# get current values of design variables
Lmatl,Wmatl,hbox = S("Lmatl","Wmatl","hbox")
# cut a Wmatl x Lmatl sheet to make a box.
Volume = (Wmatl-2*hbox)*(Lmatl-2*hbox)*hbox
boxMass = Wmatl*Lmatl - 4*hbox**2
S['LoverW'] = (Lmatl-2*hbox) / (Wmatl-2*hbox)
# "boxMass" is required
S["boxMass"] = boxMass
S["Volume"] = Volume
# need to tell system the name of the control routine
# now optimize the system... it should match up with the carpet plots.
optimize(S, figureOfMerit="Volume", desVars=['hbox'], findmin=0, useCOBYLA=0)
figureOfMerit="Volume", desVars=['hbox'],
makeHTML=1, dpi=70, linewidth=2)
make2DPlot(S, sysParam="LoverW", desVar="hbox")
# now save summary of system
# Be sure to wrap-up any files